Hello. My name is Chris and I am 24 years old about to turn 25 on November 1st. I have been dipping since I was a freshman or sophomore in high school, so about 15 years old. I have tried to quit many times, but never with the help of this site. When I started dating a girl a couple years, I quit to be a better man for her, but 9 months later, I succombed to my craving after a night out with a buddy. My gf broke it off with me a little over a month ago and I realized I need to spend some time improving myself. That means no nicotine. It isn't helping me and I barely even enjoy it anymore. What makes this quit different is that I am giving up alcohol too at least for the first 50 days as recommended, but I kind of want to stick with it for good tbh. I am going to go to AA meetings to help with this as well. I've been told to give myself a break on nicotine while I quit alcohol, but I cannot afford to do this. It may be hard, but I need to do both now. I'm looking forward to not having addiction control my life anymore. I am a very driven person and addiction is holding me back. I also just want to be healthy and feel great again. I still miss my ex a lot, but I know that I can't be happy with someone else or make them happy if I'm not happy with myself. I am ready to make decision to change my life, take control, and never look back.