I was digging around my cpu and came across the original letter I typed my wife 530 days ago when I decided enough was enough (outlined in my original Intro post). I had all but forgotten my mental state at the time of my quit, however reading thru this brought back every emotion, reconfirming my commitment so many days ago. I never anticipated sharing this personal note outside of my marriage, but perhaps it’ll strike a nerve with someone on the fence of quitting. That Aumegrad was completely different that this Aumegrad. For starters, that Aumegrad was a slave. While this Aumegrad is a free man. Both Aumegrads are addicts, but this Aumegrad is fully aware and accepting of this, and with the tools obtained from this website, can overwhelmingly control it. If you are on the fence and don’t know if you can quit, just do it. Follow the protocol on this site and smell the freedom with me, it simply works!
So here is the note, names omitted because I’m just paranoid like that
I have a confession I need to make to you. When I quit smoking 12 years ago, I supplemented the cigarettes with dip to help ease the withdrawals. My plan was to quit smoking, then ween myself off dip. However, from that time, I have dipped every day since. I hid this from you for various reasons:
1) I didn’t want you to accept it as I never anticipated it lasting this long
a. Your acceptance could have made it harder to quit and I didn’t deserve that
2) I didn’t want you to reject it and generate areas of conflict within our relationship
Ultimately, I knew how you felt about it and fact of the matter, I was ashamed. I was ashamed for anyone to know, especially my kids. Few people actually know I dip and have dipped, VERY few.
With this said, over the past 12 years, it has controlled me and taken my time and attention from you and the kids. It has caused me to lie to you. It has caused me to sneak around like a drug addict in order to get my “fix”. For all of this, I truly do apologize. I truly can’t appropriately state how ashamed it has made me.
When coming to grips that I had ZERO control over this situation … it was literally taking my family from me (both figuratively and potentially physically) … it had become an idol in my life and source of willful sin that has gone on ignored for entirely too long … it was an important consideration of my every decision … IT HAD TO GO!
Through the various studies of the past couple months, God revealed this sin to me. I frankly never thought of it as such, however the mere fact that I let it drive my decisions and actions, somehow this dip became an overwhelming idol and sin in my life. And it is a sin that I have determined to rid my life of as it had become a master of me. Per Bro. John’s example last night, how can I be filled with the Holy Spirit if nicotine is all up in there?!?! This sin has been kicked off the island! Sadly, this is one of the primary reasons I chose not to become a deacon … go figure!
I realize this is something I can’t expect you to fully understand, though hope you can appreciate when I tell you. Nicotine is a seemingly amazing drug which allows the stresses of life to simply fall away even if only for an hour or so. But as seemingly great as this was and considering all the tough times in my life that it helped me through, this drug doesn’t and shouldn’t compare anywhere near you, Child 1, Child 2, and Child 3 … and Christ! But the sad truth is that it did. From this point forward, I re-devote my life to you, to our kids, and to my Savior. I know this seems cheesy but I am forcing myself to write this out so there is no sugar coating the crappy situation it has put me in and in turn, has put you in. I want you to understand that though this was a conscience decision for the past 12 years (which I accept responsibility for), this stuff is just nasty! Regardless, it has simply been unfair to you and I can’t apologize enough. Honesty and integrity are vitally important to me and looking back, just unsure how I justified compromising these to you for so long.
Anyhow, I ask that you please bear with me over the next 1-2 month(s). I would imagine I will be experiencing some significant withdrawals and frankly not looking forward to it. However, my desire to eliminate all of the negative items listed above far outweigh whatever suckiness I encounter in the coming days/weeks. Bottom line, though tobacco and nicotine have been a part of my life for 26 years, they WILL NO LONGER be.
So in closing, I love you and hope that you can forgive me. I can assure you that there are no other skeleton’s in this closet. I ask for your support in kicking this vice. Please let me know when I’m being too much … honestly and politely!
Your Loving Husband,”
Aumegrad 530 quit as a free man!