Author Topic: * Hardcore HOFer  (Read 1488 times)

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Offline Pyrovalin

  • Quitter
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  • Posts: 160
  • Interests: Hiking, mountaineering, outdoors, fishing, mountain bikingBeing with my wife Wendy and two boys Dustin and Jacob
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* Hardcore HOFer
« on: July 18, 2009, 02:56:00 PM »
First of all, thank you to the people who are responsible for the existence of this site. There are too few places where someone can get help to quit chewing tobacco.

I canÂ’t begin to imagine how many times IÂ’ve tried to quit. The difference between this time and the countless others, is my support. I know this is it. I feel good about it.

100 days has come and gone and I really hope to see everyone at 1000 someday. Some of you will crash and relapse back into your habit, but never give up. There are too many things in life worth living for – NEVER GIVE UP!

I think my biggest regret was ever trying chew 17 or so years ago. I see young teens trying it and thereÂ’s nothing more I want to do than rip it away from them. If I could take back the last 17 years of lying, stealing, and being a fool to myself, I would pay anything. Quitting has been the hardest thing IÂ’ve ever done; but thereÂ’s light at the end of this tunnelÂ…

I feel free now. I really feel like IÂ’ve been released from prison. I am in full charge of my own life now. I donÂ’t have to hide anymore from my wife and lie to her face. She has been a rock and has had the patience of Job. Her and my two sons are the reason I live everyday. I need only think of them and being with them now for the rest of my life and it helps me stay quit. I really began feeling like I wouldnÂ’t be in their lives much longer if I kept chewing. Now I have hope. IÂ’m focused on living the rest of my life in good health. Thanks Dustin, Jacob, and Wendy, without you I couldnÂ’t have done this. Thanks to DeantheCoot for the help with dealing with my cravings  anxiety. Congrats on your 100.

Lastly, Thank YOU to my Lord Jesus Christ. I definitely could not do this without you. Christ is the best vice we have, use Him! Good luck to everyone, and STAY QUIT!!

--Tim a.k.a Pyrovalin
?All men dream: but not equally.
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds
wake in the day to find that it was vanity:
but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men,
for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.?

Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence