Author Topic: * Swede's HOF Speech  (Read 2043 times)

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Offline Swede

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* Swede's HOF Speech
« on: September 20, 2012, 06:44:00 PM »
I guess I will start from the beginning when I tried my first dip of Copenhagen. I was at the age of 14 and playing little league baseball. During one Saturday game, a friend on the team offered me a dip before heading out onto the field. I said, "Why not?" (Not knowing this was going to be the daemon, in which takes over my life for the next 26 years!) I put a pinch in and instantly I was sick, dizzy and about to throw up. You would think after going through this experience with Copenhagen one would never even think about putting a dip in their mouth again. Wrong! It was not more than a day before I was borrowing dips from buddies on the team! From here it went to buying cans from a friend because his father was a rep for US Tobacco. Well, 26 years later I was still buying cans of Copenhagen and had worked my way up to two cans a day.

The reason I decided to stop chewing was for my family and for myself. I was tired of wondering if sore throats and sores were cancer! I was tired of the tobacco running my life! I was tired of excusing myself so I can go outside and put that crap in my mouth! I was just plain tired of being a slave to my tobacco habit! I have tried to quit in the past by myself, but it only lasted 1 - 4 days at most. One night I was stumbling around on the internet looking for help and came across I started reading and the more I read; I realized I was not alone and quitting is possible. I ended up on live chat where I met Cbird, Cmark, Wedge, Brotherofnomosko, Timeless, BigWhiteBeast and many more. At first I thought I was in the wrong live chat because they were throwing ghey comments around like ghey sailors would do on a drunken weekend pass! But when I finally figured out I was in the right place they helped me figure out what group I post roll in and how to post roll. After that I lived in live chat for the next few months, posted roll and gave my word every day to my brothers, "I will not dip today!" Posting roll every day has helped me quit this nic daemon and has helped me regain my life back! This site and quit brothers have helped me in my quit so much, I don't think I could possibly put it into words!

I want to thank a few people for helping me through tough times and being there for me when I needed them!
First I want to thank my wife and kids for putting up with my mood swings and supporting me through these tough times! I am one lucky man!

Cbird, Cmark, Brotherofnomosko, Timeless: Thank you for being there in live chat! You guys were there to help me through the rough times!

Wedge and Coach: Thank you for the wise words you guys posted in our group and kept us honest in our quit!

D2Maine: Thank you for all of your help with the spreadsheet, giving me a spreadsheet, showing me how to keep track and how to find the posting bumps!

BigWhiteBeast, Pave, Tsmith, Roam, Crockett, Bruce, Vadge(ERDVM), Kstamply, 2Mch: Thank you for the comedy every morning in group texting! You have no idea how much this helped me get through the day! Thank you!

Morgan: You were there for me from the start, via text or phone. Your energy and excitement keeps me going through this quit! Brother, I know you will always have my back in this quit and I want to thank you! You are one solid badass quitter!

Bis-cut: Thank you brother for helping on the spreadsheet but mostly for being thoughtful, caring and for having a BIG heart! Knowing you have my back in my quit makes my quit solid brother!

Worms: Thank you for helping me with the spreadsheet and having my back when things got a little heated!

September "Quit or Split": Thank you brothers for being there for me every day!

I can go on and on thanking everyone who has helped me on this site! So I will thank everyone for being there for me!

After everything this site and everyone has done for me, I want to pay it forward and help others in their quit! I'm going to stay around and post roll every day, continue to keep track of my Sept brothers in the spreadsheet, help new quitters find their way just as other quitters have done for me, and will be on live chat helping people through tough times!

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart,
Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue, Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn bork! bork! bork!

Swedish Chef Bork, Bork, Bork
