Author Topic: * 30 yrs behind me  (Read 1935 times)

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Offline catfish

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* 30 yrs behind me
« on: November 18, 2009, 10:51:00 AM »
Okay 100 days and IÂ’m expected to write a hof speech so here goes.
First of all sub group 2 is awesome I watched every day and never had any fear any of us would cave,
Sub group 2 is rock solid lets stay that way fungohitter, skully, coltsfan 74 , roger 64, thanks for staying quit.
Kd4jet, greg40, la quitter, dmoore, kdip, pista, our den mother samcat, coolcop, hal, rkymtnman, mule, and many others you made the chatroom a welcome and friendly place, I was hesitant to talk trash in the beginning but when I did it was accepted in good spirit, thank you all I am humbled in my admiration for you all , especially when new ones come in yall are like pit bulls you lock on and wont let go.
Finally chewie the first admin I had contact with it made me feel great that someone in charge cared enough to send congratulations to me on my quit thank you man and to quote you thatÂ’s huge bro.
Okay I never introduced myself, the reason I joined was to ask a question, see I had been quit for 2 weeks and using baccoff and hooch I had used a lot of it and was becoming concerned about it, I had found the site because of a search for fake snuff I found a review by trojan scott that led me to ktc looked around liked what I seen so I registered and asked my question in dec my question was answered and I was told to post in nov 09 , I thank god for that because nov09 is awesome to the max ich bin nov (for plasmatrout).
So what do I want people to take away from this itÂ’s that we are addicts we can never have nicotine again for as long as we live.
At 13 yrs old I started chewing red man with my parents approval you see we mistakenly believed that smokeless was safer than smoking that both my parents did. all through school and the army I either dipped or chewed, at 28 yrs old after 15 yrs of my steady nic drip I decided when this can of cope is done thatÂ’s it,
And it was, for you cold turkey purists out there been there done that just seeds and gum.
2 yrs or so later a friend of mine was in a car accident outside the hospital with her husband ( a child hood friend and old dip partner) I started thinking that it wasnÂ’t hard to quit so I asked for a dip.
Remember this, time will soften the memory of what youÂ’ve gone through, later it will not seem so bad,
Always remember the hell youÂ’ve gone through those who forget will repeat, so 2 yrs later and IÂ’m back on the run this was in 94.
And now 15 yrs later after many attempts I’m finally quit for 100 days, I can honestly say the second quit for me has been much harder by far, or maybe not time softens the memory, even after july of 01 after watching my father die with cancer I still did not quit. I do not believe I would be quit without ktc I wish I had joined and started participating before the 2 week mark maybe I would not have told my wife and 6 yr old daughter “it’s because of you two I can’t afford to dip anymore” my god what kind of man says that to his family especially a 6 yr old child, that is the power of our addiction we become assholes admit it. I said in chat to a newbie one night that instead of knowing now, I have to wait 15 more years to find out if I killed myself.
I plan to remain involved with ktc not only for my quit but for those foggy newbieÂ’s that show up.
After all I do have experience there I was so foggy I had contrails coming off my ass, but people here guided me through the fog and I pray one day I am worthy to join your ranks.
So to close this out stay quit, stay accountable, stay breathing, and thank you one and all.
And a special thank you to my wife and daughter for putting up with this experience .
We are quit so say we all