I've had been chewing for almost 9 years. I started chewing back in high school, my older brother chewed, it was a hockey thing, and it was cool because I was the one who could buy w/out ID. Chewed on and off from about 16-18 and then went full bore 2-4 tins a week. Toss one in after practice or a workout, for the bus ride for a tourney or long ride so on and so forth. Then when my career ended I carried the habit with me to university. Perfect way to pass the 3 hr drive, gave me something to do when I was studying, or bored watching tv or just to relieve the stress.
I recently had an experience that has made me think about alot of things differently, and this nasty habit is one of them. I'm done with it. I had my last chew Sat night after a fight with my quite possibly soon to be ex gf, I dumped the rest down the toilet and I am done.