Well its been 19 days since my last chew after 18 years. Gotta say its been probably the toughest thing I have ever done.
After I had 8 wisdom teeth pulled (yeah 8) I went home knowing I wouldnt be able to chew for a week I told my better half that it was time to quit. For me the first 72 hours werent bad but I was doped up with pain killers, but after that the first week was horrible. Now I have been stuck in the cloud for the past few days.
First off, Welcome to KTC! A lot of guys (most) will agree this is definitely the hardest thing they have ever done. Personally, I find it even more harder (harder? more hard?) than the hardest thing I have ever done.
If you are 19 days in, you are probably feeling the full affects of the pissed off Nic B*tch. Embrace it, and hold on for dear life. Doesn't that suck when you come home from the dentist and you cant chew? Hell, I think we have all tried anyway. (with little success) Now, doesn't it feel even better to not long for that crap in your mouth? Welcome to freedom, brother.
To help you with what is to come in the days ahead, I suggest reading
THIS.Im going to go ahead and assume that you have been dancing around the site a little. Let me point you to a few keys areas that will help you out.
You should first visit the
WELCOME CENTER. Here you can find out a little more on who and what we are and also, more importantly, what
Roll Call is and why we do it.
Next you should head over to
January 2014 Roll Call and post up your promise to be free of all tobacco and nicotine for the day.
Its important to note that we take things one day at a time here. Don't quit for tomorrow, quit for today.
I also want to make sure that you are quitting for yourself. When you quit for other people, you are more apt to take out anger and frustration on them. Quit for yourself, and take out all that hate on 1. The Bitch who has been your master for the past 18 years and 2. Your brothers here on the site. (we can take it)
Another thing you will here alot of people suggest or offer, is numbers. Phone numbers. Collect as many as you can, for these can be one of your greatest tools in the fight for your freedom. When I first joined I didnt really know what to do with a bunch of strangers' numbers. But trust me, when the Bitch creeps up on you, they truly are an invaluable lifeline.
One last thing I want to promote is
LIVE CHAT. This is a great place to hang out in lieu of browsing the forums. Its a great way to connect and interact with other users, and you can get some really good real-time advice from the vets. Special note: Anytime from 12am-3am there are usually at least two very suave talkers in there.
That should be enough to get you started. Im going to send you a PM (Top right) with my digits. If you ever need anything, please, do not hesitate to ask.
Proud to call you brother and be quit with you today,
DD911 - Day 83. (Sweet freedom)