Author Topic: BigDippa Intro  (Read 777 times)

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Offline Gooch

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Re: BigDippa Intro
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2009, 12:43:00 PM »
Quote from: BigDippa
Just wanted to say that DAMN my mouth fucking HURT all last night and all morning today! Finally stopped about an hour and a half ago. Not sure what the hell it was, but about 8pm lat night my teeth felt like they were going to fall out and my jaw felt like it was ready to explode. It feels better now, but not sure what was going on. I've heard people say that their mouths hurt after they quit. I had no problems at all until last night. Delayed reaction maybe? Anyone experience this?
Absolutely BigDippa. I had the exact same thing for a couple days and then it went away. If it doesn't go away, make an appt. with your family physician to check things out. Good work on your quit brother.
There's nothing nicotine has to offer that I need. Never has been, never will be.

Offline BigDippa

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Re: BigDippa Intro
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2009, 12:27:00 PM »
Just wanted to say that DAMN my mouth fucking HURT all last night and all morning today! Finally stopped about an hour and a half ago. Not sure what the hell it was, but about 8pm lat night my teeth felt like they were going to fall out and my jaw felt like it was ready to explode. It feels better now, but not sure what was going on. I've heard people say that their mouths hurt after they quit. I had no problems at all until last night. Delayed reaction maybe? Anyone experience this?
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.

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Offline SWJ

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Re: BigDippa Intro
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2009, 07:38:00 AM »
Quote from: BigDippa
Just wanted to introduce myself real quick.  It's been 9 days as of today that I have been nicotine free, and I have to say this is the best I have felt in a long time.  I've always been in good shape physically, and hit the gym as much as possible.  I've been channeling all of my DIP RAGE into some pretty intense workouts, and have actually lost weight so far.  So, this quit has been a great thing work out wise!  I'm 33, and have dipped for 15 years.  I've "quit" before, but always fell back into it.  My biggest stumbling block was that I did not quite understand that I was not addicted to the DIP, but to the NICOTINE!  My dumbass mistakes always started when I would quit dipping, but not stop my weekly cigar ritual.  You see, for the past 10 years, every friday night after work, I sit out on my back porch, drink a nice big Jim and Coke, and burn a nice cigar.  When I would quit dipping in the past, I would still perform my Friday cigar ritual.  After reading on this site, something clicked and I finally made the connection...  I can NOT have any nicotine.  Ever.  Period.  I'm proud to say that this weekend I was successful in breaking my Friday night ritual.  I threw away my cigars (believe me, that HURT), and did not go outside.  Instead, I stayed in the living room, had my Jim and Coke, and watched some TV with my wife.  She was pleasently surprised.  I never realized how  much I had pushed my family to the side to get my nicotine fix.  I'm a nicotine addict.  I can not and will not touch it again.  A little, no matter how little, will push me down that sliperry slope.  I never tought about how much time it stole away from  my family.  How dumb was I?  How dare I put that shit in front of my family.  It's day 9, and I feel fine.  Life is good now.
Awesome post.
Family may be the best reason of all, my brother.

God Bless You  Good Luck -
Quit Date: 03/13/12
"I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."
- Genghis Khan

Offline Gooch

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Re: BigDippa Intro
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2009, 02:33:00 PM »
Quote from: BigDippa
Just wanted to introduce myself real quick. It's been 9 days as of today that I have been nicotine free, and I have to say this is the best I have felt in a long time. I've always been in good shape physically, and hit the gym as much as possible. I've been channeling all of my DIP RAGE into some pretty intense workouts, and have actually lost weight so far. So, this quit has been a great thing work out wise! I'm 33, and have dipped for 15 years. I've "quit" before, but always fell back into it. My biggest stumbling block was that I did not quite understand that I was not addicted to the DIP, but to the NICOTINE! My dumbass mistakes always started when I would quit dipping, but not stop my weekly cigar ritual. You see, for the past 10 years, every friday night after work, I sit out on my back porch, drink a nice big Jim and Coke, and burn a nice cigar. When I would quit dipping in the past, I would still perform my Friday cigar ritual. After reading on this site, something clicked and I finally made the connection... I can NOT have any nicotine. Ever. Period. I'm proud to say that this weekend I was successful in breaking my Friday night ritual. I threw away my cigars (believe me, that HURT), and did not go outside. Instead, I stayed in the living room, had my Jim and Coke, and watched some TV with my wife. She was pleasently surprised. I never realized how much I had pushed my family to the side to get my nicotine fix. I'm a nicotine addict. I can not and will not touch it again. A little, no matter how little, will push me down that sliperry slope. I never tought about how much time it stole away from my family. How dumb was I? How dare I put that shit in front of my family. It's day 9, and I feel fine. Life is good now.
Well done bigdippa. You expressed some pretty damn good insight in this post. You are well on your way my friend. Keep posting roll each and everyday and then take each day as it comes. Jump on this site for support when needed. Ask questions, give advice... I'm on day 8 of my quit. Made the HOF last year and then got complancent and pissed away my quit around 150 days or so. Not to be a buzz kill, but I mention this so you know it's quite a journey. If you ever have any question or need support, let me know. I by no means have all the answers but am always willing to lend support.
There's nothing nicotine has to offer that I need. Never has been, never will be.

Offline BigDippa

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BigDippa Intro
« on: February 23, 2009, 02:02:00 PM »
Just wanted to introduce myself real quick. It's been 9 days as of today that I have been nicotine free, and I have to say this is the best I have felt in a long time. I've always been in good shape physically, and hit the gym as much as possible. I've been channeling all of my DIP RAGE into some pretty intense workouts, and have actually lost weight so far. So, this quit has been a great thing work out wise! I'm 33, and have dipped for 15 years. I've "quit" before, but always fell back into it. My biggest stumbling block was that I did not quite understand that I was not addicted to the DIP, but to the NICOTINE! My dumbass mistakes always started when I would quit dipping, but not stop my weekly cigar ritual. You see, for the past 10 years, every friday night after work, I sit out on my back porch, drink a nice big Jim and Coke, and burn a nice cigar. When I would quit dipping in the past, I would still perform my Friday cigar ritual. After reading on this site, something clicked and I finally made the connection... I can NOT have any nicotine. Ever. Period. I'm proud to say that this weekend I was successful in breaking my Friday night ritual. I threw away my cigars (believe me, that HURT), and did not go outside. Instead, I stayed in the living room, had my Jim and Coke, and watched some TV with my wife. She was pleasently surprised. I never realized how much I had pushed my family to the side to get my nicotine fix. I'm a nicotine addict. I can not and will not touch it again. A little, no matter how little, will push me down that sliperry slope. I never tought about how much time it stole away from my family. How dumb was I? How dare I put that shit in front of my family. It's day 9, and I feel fine. Life is good now.
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.

Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.