Welcome. These folks are right. It gets better, I promise you that. I can't tell you when, because it's different for every person. You will have good days and bad days. Don't let that trip you up. Enjoy the good ones, but be prepared for the bad one that hits you out of the blue. That's when you need a plan in place so you can put it into motion without hesitation. Call, text, etc. Get plenty of contacts. Any of us here will give up numbers. The support at KTC is amazing.
This page was one of the most helpful in my quit. After my wife read that, things got much easier. Most of our spouses have no idea what we are going through. Our society has been tricked into believing nicotine is safe and not really addictive. Get your wife on your side 100%. She is probably the best person to recognize your rages and redirect it away from the kids. The most important thing I can tell you is to make sure you don't take that rage out on the innocents. Our families did not cause this. Leave them out of it. If you feel that coming on, call or text another quitter. We can handle it.
Reach out if you need anything.