Author Topic: Smokeless tobacco keratosis  (Read 4888 times)

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Offline DevinHeff

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Re: Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2020, 10:05:34 AM »
Mind games are rough. Day 12 and it feels like day one. Still waiting and wanting this to get easier. I'm gaining weight and fast. My work product is going to shit. Cant stay focused. If I'm being honest I feel more enslaved now than I did before I quit.

I've worked for myself or my family for the last twelve years or so. I would wake up, dip right away, and continue all day until bed. Every interaction dip was there. Now all the sudden it's gone and my brain is giving me shit for it.

I know it's not like this for everyone but I still want to dip. I just don't want to end up with half my face missing or my kids growing up without their dad, So I choose to quit.

Don't plan on dipping again just thought I'd share some thoughts while they were on my mind.
@DevinHeff  You dipped for years. Don't you think you have to give it time for not dipping to become the new normal? What do you want more? To live or pack your mouth with shit? Focus ODAAT. Drink water. Find a positive about quitting and think about it. Quitting sucks for a while but man does it get better. Sounds like you are looking for an excuse to go back to dipping. You will never regret quitting but you will regret caving. Have you built relationships?  Quitting takes work. Shoot me a message with digits and I am happy to support you. You can do this.

Hey Keith, thanks for the support. No man, not looking for an excuse. I find it helpful to post what's in my mind so I can go back later to look and reflect.

Staying quit.

Offline Zeus

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Re: Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2020, 09:00:11 AM »
Mind games are rough. Day 12 and it feels like day one. Still waiting and wanting this to get easier. I'm gaining weight and fast. My work product is going to shit. Cant stay focused. If I'm being honest I feel more enslaved now than I did before I quit.

I've worked for myself or my family for the last twelve years or so. I would wake up, dip right away, and continue all day until bed. Every interaction dip was there. Now all the sudden it's gone and my brain is giving me shit for it.

I know it's not like this for everyone but I still want to dip. I just don't want to end up with half my face missing or my kids growing up without their dad, So I choose to quit.

Don't plan on dipping again just thought I'd share some thoughts while they were on my mind.
@DevinHeff  You dipped for years. Don't you think you have to give it time for not dipping to become the new normal? What do you want more? To live or pack your mouth with shit? Focus ODAAT. Drink water. Find a positive about quitting and think about it. Quitting sucks for a while but man does it get better. Sounds like you are looking for an excuse to go back to dipping. You will never regret quitting but you will regret caving. Have you built relationships?  Quitting takes work. Shoot me a message with digits and I am happy to support you. You can do this.
Sounds very familiar! We do know what you're going through and why we are so damn proud to get through each day. This addiction is no joke and only wants to enslave you, have you give all your money away, then kill you. We're all here because it is tough to do.
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Offline Keith0617

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Re: Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2020, 08:29:50 AM »
Mind games are rough. Day 12 and it feels like day one. Still waiting and wanting this to get easier. I'm gaining weight and fast. My work product is going to shit. Cant stay focused. If I'm being honest I feel more enslaved now than I did before I quit.

I've worked for myself or my family for the last twelve years or so. I would wake up, dip right away, and continue all day until bed. Every interaction dip was there. Now all the sudden it's gone and my brain is giving me shit for it.

I know it's not like this for everyone but I still want to dip. I just don't want to end up with half my face missing or my kids growing up without their dad, So I choose to quit.

Don't plan on dipping again just thought I'd share some thoughts while they were on my mind.
@DevinHeff  You dipped for years. Don't you think you have to give it time for not dipping to become the new normal? What do you want more? To live or pack your mouth with shit? Focus ODAAT. Drink water. Find a positive about quitting and think about it. Quitting sucks for a while but man does it get better. Sounds like you are looking for an excuse to go back to dipping. You will never regret quitting but you will regret caving. Have you built relationships?  Quitting takes work. Shoot me a message with digits and I am happy to support you. You can do this.

Offline DevinHeff

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Re: Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2020, 10:24:37 PM »
Mind games are rough. Day 12 and it feels like day one. Still waiting and wanting this to get easier. I'm gaining weight and fast. My work product is going to shit. Cant stay focused. If I'm being honest I feel more enslaved now than I did before I quit.

I've worked for myself or my family for the last twelve years or so. I would wake up, dip right away, and continue all day until bed. Every interaction dip was there. Now all the sudden it's gone and my brain is giving me shit for it.

I know it's not like this for everyone but I still want to dip. I just don't want to end up with half my face missing or my kids growing up without their dad, So I choose to quit.

Don't plan on dipping again just thought I'd share some thoughts while they were on my mind.

Offline Dawgs

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Re: Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2020, 06:25:10 AM »
Back again. Feel like a moron for wasting all this time. I'm quit for good; easy to say hard to put into action. Today starts day 6 and at 2:08 a.m. it's the worst its been.

I'm here to stay. I'll be posting role daily. Please help me and hold me accountable. I made to many promises to quit this time to God, myself, and my family. No choice but to quit. Fuck nicotine.
I just read through your previous posts. You’ve said this before. How do we believe you this time?

Offline DevinHeff

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Re: Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2020, 04:09:01 AM »
Back again. Feel like a moron for wasting all this time. I'm quit for good; easy to say hard to put into action. Today starts day 6 and at 2:08 a.m. it's the worst its been.

I'm here to stay. I'll be posting role daily. Please help me and hold me accountable. I made to many promises to quit this time to God, myself, and my family. No choice but to quit. Fuck nicotine.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2020, 04:19:47 AM by DevinHeff »

Offline DevinHeff

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Re: Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2016, 12:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Tuco
Welcome. Glad to have you here.

Now for a cold dose of reality: You are only quit right now, because you are scared. My wager is that if those spots heal up, you'll go back to steeping cat turds in your lip shortly thereafter. You don't build a lasting quit based on fear.

I can't tell you how many times I resolved to "quit for good" after finding a spot on my lip or gums. Or seeing the top layers of tissue literally peel off in the morning. Once those spots went away and my mouth healed up, it was right back to the gas station for another tin. Every time.

Let that fear be a motivator to start your quit, but know that you need to get yourself in the right mindset if you have any realistic expectation of staying quit. First off, you need to understand and accept that you are an addict. You were an addict before you quit, and you are an addict after you quit. The only difference is that you aren't currently feeding your addiction. Even if you never take another pinch for the rest of your days, you will still be a hardwired nicotine addict.

Second, get your name on roll. Go to the November '16 quit group, put down your name and days quit. That is your promise not to use nicotine in any form today. We don't quit "for good" here. We quit for today and today only. When tomorrow comes, we make our promise anew and go from there. If you are a man of integrity and you get your name on roll first thing each day, I can guarantee that you will be 100% successful. Even long after the spots have healed and the fear has subsided.
Thanks for the support.
Day three and have no intentions on going back. One of the things that disgusts me the most is just thinking how I let this addiction go this long. Kinda like one day I woke up and I was 27, and yea dip was there all along. It's crazy to sit back and think about the grip that dip really had on my life. I read a post on the forums that said every time you think about taking a dip think of your kids and thats what im going to do. I work with my pops and he's two years off the can so I got a good support group at home. Thanks everyone for your two cents and support.

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Re: Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2016, 11:03:00 AM »
Welcome. Glad to have you here.

Now for a cold dose of reality: You are only quit right now, because you are scared. My wager is that if those spots heal up, you'll go back to steeping cat turds in your lip shortly thereafter. You don't build a lasting quit based on fear.

I can't tell you how many times I resolved to "quit for good" after finding a spot on my lip or gums. Or seeing the top layers of tissue literally peel off in the morning. Once those spots went away and my mouth healed up, it was right back to the gas station for another tin. Every time.

Let that fear be a motivator to start your quit, but know that you need to get yourself in the right mindset if you have any realistic expectation of staying quit. First off, you need to understand and accept that you are an addict. You were an addict before you quit, and you are an addict after you quit. The only difference is that you aren't currently feeding your addiction. Even if you never take another pinch for the rest of your days, you will still be a hardwired nicotine addict.

Second, get your name on roll. Go to the November '16 quit group, put down your name and days quit. That is your promise not to use nicotine in any form today. We don't quit "for good" here. We quit for today and today only. When tomorrow comes, we make our promise anew and go from there. If you are a man of integrity and you get your name on roll first thing each day, I can guarantee that you will be 100% successful. Even long after the spots have healed and the fear has subsided.

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Re: Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2016, 10:44:00 AM »
nothing good about gator lip. Learn to hate the product that is killing you, and your quit will be easier.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline DevinHeff

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Re: Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2016, 02:40:00 AM »
Quote from: RDB1972
Pretty much yes, smokeless tobacco can and does cause oral cancer. Esophageal and stomach cancer too.

Quitting the shit is the best thing you can do.

And if you find out the keratosis is not precancerous, for the love of Mike, do not think it's ok to go back to dipping. You do play a game of Russian Roulette every single time you pack your lip.

Go to the November '16 group. Post roll. Promise to stay quit. Refuse to cave. Repeat. There are thousands of us who have done the same thing. We are here to support your quit.
Thanks for the support. I have two small kids and do not plan on let this can of shit ruin my life. I'm quitting for good. After I got that diagnosis from the dentist all my cravings have went away lol.

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Re: Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2016, 11:11:00 PM »
It's pretty common. In many cases, it goes away in a couple of weeks.

However, why not just be quit for good and you won't have to worry about it so much.

Join a quit group. November '16 will be yours. Post roll and start the process. You'll be glad you did!

I quit with you today,

Offline RDB

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Re: Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2016, 11:03:00 PM »
Pretty much yes, smokeless tobacco can and does cause oral cancer. Esophageal and stomach cancer too.

Quitting the shit is the best thing you can do.

And if you find out the keratosis is not precancerous, for the love of Mike, do not think it's ok to go back to dipping. You do play a game of Russian Roulette every single time you pack your lip.

Go to the November '16 group. Post roll. Promise to stay quit. Refuse to cave. Repeat. There are thousands of us who have done the same thing. We are here to support your quit.

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Re: Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2016, 10:50:00 PM »
Quote from: DevinHeff
Hello all, been trying to quit for the last few months. 27 now and I've been chewing since 13..... Sadly. I quit two days ago and decided to see a dentist. Now listen here boys, IF YOU GUNNAR CHEW STAY SEEING YOUR DENTIST!! My dentist told me I have Smokeless tobacco keratosis. A "pre cancer" of sorts. Anyone else ever been diagnosed with this. If it doesn't go away with in a few weeks of my quit date they gotta do a biopsy. I'm hoping this is something that just disappears like good ol gatorlip. Funny because I've watched countless videos and read hundreds of studies where snuff doesn't directly correlate with increased risk of oral cancer.... What a load of BS. Get back to me boys.
I've never had that diagnosis but I have had my hygienist give me crap about my receding gums. Gums don't grow back. I'm not sure why they would put the warnings on the cans if hundreds of studies say you can't get cancer. I always knew that I was rolling the dice every time I got my fix.

Today I am free because I make a promise every morning to reject nicotine and I keep my promise for 24 hours.

You have one more day to get past the physical addiction. After that it is all mental. If you are determined to quit for yourself you can do this. One day at a time (ODAAT) every damn day (EDD).

I quit with you today!

Offline DevinHeff

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Smokeless tobacco keratosis
« on: August 03, 2016, 08:22:00 PM »
Hello all, been trying to quit for the last few months. 27 now and I've been chewing since 13..... Sadly. I quit two days ago and decided to see a dentist. Now listen here boys, IF YOU GUNNAR CHEW STAY SEEING YOUR DENTIST!! My dentist told me I have Smokeless tobacco keratosis. A "pre cancer" of sorts. Anyone else ever been diagnosed with this. If it doesn't go away with in a few weeks of my quit date they gotta do a biopsy. I'm hoping this is something that just disappears like good ol gatorlip. Funny because I've watched countless videos and read hundreds of studies where snuff doesn't directly correlate with increased risk of oral cancer.... What a load of BS. Get back to me boys.