Author Topic: 49,000 Dollars!!!  (Read 1532 times)

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Offline rhester03

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Re: 49,000 Dollars!!!
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2011, 11:34:00 AM »
Quote from: Bean
Skoal monster is right...your friend is a dickhead. Welcome to th brotherhood of nondickheads.
Well, I don't know if you could go as far as to say we are nondickheads...I think we can get pretty rough when when someone isn't with the program. haha.

Offline TootsiePopAddict

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Re: 49,000 Dollars!!!
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2011, 11:14:00 AM »
OK...I have made it 89 freaking days! I still get pissed and suprised whenever it crosses my mind that a dip would be natural right now. It comes less and less but I can never ever let my guard down. I've been off Chantix for some time's all on me.

Offline jatan

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Re: 49,000 Dollars!!!
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2010, 10:27:00 PM »
Quote from: Maverick55
Quote from: Skoal
Welcome aboard, have to ask you about your friend.

You had a friend that refused to let you go anywhere without him. If you did he made you miserable.

You had a friend that was trying his best to drive a wedge inbetween you and your wife? He demanded you hang with him and not her.

You had a friend that  stole 50k from you?

Your friend decided where you could sit on an airplane?

your " friend" sounds like a dickhead.

As for the brotherhood? I know what you mean when you say you could bond with a fellow dipper. But, what I know now..... is that what I liked about a guy that chewed, is that it made me feel less shitty about my own addiction. This brotherhood is better than that one believe me.

Stay quit

Well put SM.

I did the same shit:
- walked the dog late at night to get a dig
- waiting until everyone else in the house went to bed so I could have one last dip of the day
- dipped myself into oblivion when my wife was out of the house
- dipping anytime I was alone in the car
- 'shitting' 10 times a day so I could have the alone time in the bathroom to dip
- dipping in the back row window first class seat in airplanes - I actually took a level of pleasure in this.

What scared me the most was when I stopped hiding it. When I didn't care anymore - the bitch really had me then.

I'm like you also in that I have many friends that dip. But what I've found in the past few weeks is that I'm not nearly as scared of being around them as they are of being around me. I don't know a single dipper who doesn't want to quit. The fact that I've succeeded - so far - is threatening. This is the most dangerous time to be around them - they'll want to drag you down with them - they don't want you to quit because it will make them face their own insecurities and failings. Be careful - the most important thing is your own quit!! You'll be able to face them later, but in the early days I'd suggest steering clear of that "brotherhood". Come here instead.

PM me if you need someone to BS with.
You are right is dangerous to be around dippers right now. All my in-laws are either dippers or smokers and I am scared to see them. The nic bitch is sometimes hard to fight off by herself, add a buddy or in-law in the other ear trying to cave you, and it is even harder. I think they do feel threatened. I am only 24 days quit, but ready for the challenge............Ready to win. Stay quit Jim

Offline Maverick55

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Re: 49,000 Dollars!!!
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2010, 09:45:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Welcome aboard, have to ask you about your friend.

You had a friend that refused to let you go anywhere without him. If you did he made you miserable.

You had a friend that was trying his best to drive a wedge inbetween you and your wife? He demanded you hang with him and not her.

You had a friend that stole 50k from you?

Your friend decided where you could sit on an airplane?

your " friend" sounds like a dickhead.

As for the brotherhood? I know what you mean when you say you could bond with a fellow dipper. But, what I know now..... is that what I liked about a guy that chewed, is that it made me feel less shitty about my own addiction. This brotherhood is better than that one believe me.

Stay quit

Well put SM.

I did the same shit:
- walked the dog late at night to get a dig
- waiting until everyone else in the house went to bed so I could have one last dip of the day
- dipped myself into oblivion when my wife was out of the house
- dipping anytime I was alone in the car
- 'shitting' 10 times a day so I could have the alone time in the bathroom to dip
- dipping in the back row window first class seat in airplanes - I actually took a level of pleasure in this.

What scared me the most was when I stopped hiding it. When I didn't care anymore - the bitch really had me then.

I'm like you also in that I have many friends that dip. But what I've found in the past few weeks is that I'm not nearly as scared of being around them as they are of being around me. I don't know a single dipper who doesn't want to quit. The fact that I've succeeded - so far - is threatening. This is the most dangerous time to be around them - they'll want to drag you down with them - they don't want you to quit because it will make them face their own insecurities and failings. Be careful - the most important thing is your own quit!! You'll be able to face them later, but in the early days I'd suggest steering clear of that "brotherhood". Come here instead.

PM me if you need someone to BS with.
Quit Date: 11/06/10
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Offline Bean

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Re: 49,000 Dollars!!!
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2010, 09:30:00 PM »
Skoal monster is right...your friend is a dickhead. Welcome to th brotherhood of nondickheads.

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: 49,000 Dollars!!!
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2010, 08:08:00 PM »
Welcome aboard, have to ask you about your friend.

You had a friend that refused to let you go anywhere without him. If you did he made you miserable.

You had a friend that was trying his best to drive a wedge inbetween you and your wife? He demanded you hang with him and not her.

You had a friend that stole 50k from you?

Your friend decided where you could sit on an airplane?

your " friend" sounds like a dickhead.

As for the brotherhood? I know what you mean when you say you could bond with a fellow dipper. But, what I know now..... is that what I liked about a guy that chewed, is that it made me feel less shitty about my own addiction. This brotherhood is better than that one believe me.

Stay quit

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline jcook

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Re: 49,000 Dollars!!!
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2010, 05:56:00 PM »
Good for you Jim, best decison of your life!
"I like a man who grins when he fights." - Winston Churchill

Day 1: 11-28-10
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Offline minuteofangle

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Re: 49,000 Dollars!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2010, 05:32:00 PM »
Welcome brother...glad to have ya...Keep up the good quit.


Offline TootsiePopAddict

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49,000 Dollars!!!
« on: December 10, 2010, 03:58:00 PM »
46 years old.
30 years of Cope and Cope long cut.
Can a day = nearly $50K in today's money.
4 weeks of Cope freedom and counting.
5 kids and a wife.

I didn't quit over the dollars, though it sure makes me look stupid. I could quit often (dozen times?) for a week or so, live through the worst of the withdrawal and then start back up. I know I'm a nicotine addict but I loved the brotherhood with my best buddy, Copenhagen so much more.

Like while on a double date with my first wife and finding out that my wife's best friend was married to a fellow addict...we were like magnets and instant buds (friends self-divide themselves into camps after divorce and heck, I got him and my ex's old friend...the POWER of the brotherhood!) I look back and MOST of my best friends are/were fellow addicts...we shared the bond! My social life was doomed to follow where my addiction took me. The anticipation of putting a dip in; the joy of having a bud to do it with, was harder to give up than the nicotine. Every decision of every day had that side caveat...would this be a dip environment or not? I fly a lot and upgrade to the front most times...always working to get the last window seat in first so I could discretely manage my spitter.

Chantix has been a blessing and the nostalgic pangs lessen each week. For the foreseeable future, No going to sporting events, guy trips to NCAA wrestling trips, ski trips, well, pretty much any trips with the old crowd.

BUT there is upside here!

-No more long lonely walks with the dog at night, telling the wife she didn't need to join me...STOOOPID
-No more putting a big pinch in a plastic baggie and sticking it in my running shorts and stopping a couple of miles from home to enjoy my habit
-No more wishing my best friend and loving wife would JUST GO TO BED so I could just enjoy a lonely dip in front of the TV
-No more getting excited whenever Sheri had to go anywhere 'cause I CAN DIP!
-No more so stupid excuses why I needed to run the errand without any of the kids (like anyone believed it) so I could enjoy time with Brother Cope.
-I eventually got so good I could dip practically anywhere. anytime. Didn't matter if I was running a multi-billion dollar tech business, I enjoyed the brotherhood EVERYWHERE. Old saying that you need to remember that you aren't better looking or funnier when you get further up the ladder...people just pretend you are...well now they won't have to pretend that having a dipping boss is no big deal.
