New to site. Today day after my birthday I decided im quitting dipping. Going to try cold turkey and see what happens. Throwing my cans away is hard.
Jason don't set yourself up for failure, "try" and "see what happens" that's bullshit. quit and make it happen! as far as hard throwing your cans away, I get that. A little over 2 years ago I knelt at the toilet and flushed my last 3 cans and cried like a baby, after 40+ years of being a slave. I see you still haven't posted roll, let's get with the program.
Like Wt said, we've all been in those shoes. Faced with pulling the trigger and flushing the can. Agreed, it ain't easy, but nobody said this would be, no bones about it. But if you have taken the time to peruse this site, I'm sure you've seen how we quitters feel about being quit. If you really want to know what that feels like, what it feels like to have freedom and control. Brotherhood and accountability. To live without fear. Pull that trigger (or in this case, the flush handle) and jump into that quit head first, all out, 110%. Post roll and promise yourself and the KTC community that you will not use nicotine for that day. Then repeat, every day. So, no more lallygagging, just do it.
Flushing that shit isn't hard. Getting half of your face cut off is hard. You put yourself here. Do something about it.
Jason, you can really "be quit"...but you gotta really grow a takes a big pair to admit to being an addict of the poison.
Balls to the wall Mister and you can do this One Day at a Time..period
all perfect advice above from perfect angelic strangers who do care about your addiction...what's it gonna be? Shit or get off the pot...Quit or die. Do or do not, there is no try!
Bring your rage, your tears and your fears...we all had/have them...throw away the diaper put on your badass quitter pants, Now, before it is toooooo late.
Welcome to the best of your life.