Greetings! Welcome to my introduction. My name is Rob. My quit date was September 11, 2017 so I am in the December 2017 group. I work in sales and cover the states of Iowa and Nebraska providing high performance coatings, linings, and fireproofing. I am married and have two kids. I am also a volunteer firefighter, hence the name IowaFFguy.
My life, since the day I quit, has not gone the way that anyone plans for or hopes for. Quitting, by itself, is extremely difficult and stressful. There is a stretch of time early on where you may be moments from a cave, hell sometimes it feels like that when you're a few hundred days in..... but here is why I never will:
14 days after quitting my son received a diagnosis of cancer. Yes, an 8 year old boy that never poisoned his body ends up getting cancer rather thane me; the guy that crammed cancer into his mouth for north of 17 years. After receiving this news I was just plain angry and embarrassed. He saw the cans laying around, read the giant warnings on the lids of grizzly, and watched me put that poison into my mouth since the day he was born yet here he is, the one fighting cancer. I knew from this day forward, I absolutely could never use nicotine again in any form. I have to do this for him. I told him I would.
I share this story with you for two reasons:
1) In hopes that next time you are tempted to put a dip in, you will think about all of the children out there fighting disease by no fault of their own. Does it seem like I am exploiting disease to persuade you to quit? Good! Because I am. It's a real and likely possibility should you choose to go on dipping.
2) To show you that you should expect adversity, great or small during your quit. It's a part of life. It was there yesterday and it will be there tomorrow....I promise. You can and should stay quit regardless of the adversities you experience. Nicotine won't solve anything. It will simply make you weak, addicted, and sick.
If you are new here or thinking of jumping on board, I would strongly encourage you to do it. This recipe of accountability and brotherhood works. That is a fact. As you move along throughout your journey of quit with KTC, you will notice a common theme; people who are active and engaged with the site and other members tend to stay quit. Those that are not, typically end up posting another day 1 somewhere along the way because they did not allow others to help them.
Now after typing this and reading it, I don't know if it's an introduction, a rant, or a lecture. I just hope it gives you a glimpse of who I am and maybe inspires you to quit and stay quit.