Author Topic: 8 Days In!  (Read 725 times)

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Offline miles

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Re: 8 Days In!
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2011, 03:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Cancrusher

Glad to have you Quit with us!

Your situation brings to mind a Quitter by the name of Captain. He was a hell of a Quitter, and was also over there in the "sandbox" (as he put it) during most of his Quit. He posted everyday. Bonded with his Quit brothers quite well. As you can tell by my use of past tense verbiage, things have not worked out well for el Capitan. He was able to stay Quit while over there, yet, when he got back to the states he caved around Day 80. I tell you this not to discourage you, but to provide you with foresight so that you can build up your defenses better than he did. I don't think he was prepared to turn down offers from old friends here in the states.

Post roll early, Every day...keep your head low...and take this thing one day at a time my friend.


Cancrusher is right - you must start preparing for this battle NOW. We lost a member by the handle of whatbriandid in June 2011 quit group. He's running around in the sand as well and lasted up until a month ago. Just quit posting one day. Maybe he will return to quit, for real.

Stay close to the site when you have access and drink the shit outta water if you have it. Andrew is a badass quitter who has been through this shat. Follow his lead brother.

I salute all of you badass quit soldiers! Thanks for what you do.
I quit with with you all!

Offline Cancrusher

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Re: 8 Days In!
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2011, 02:52:00 PM »

Glad to have you Quit with us!

Your situation brings to mind a Quitter by the name of Captain. He was a hell of a Quitter, and was also over there in the "sandbox" (as he put it) during most of his Quit. He posted everyday. Bonded with his Quit brothers quite well. As you can tell by my use of past tense verbiage, things have not worked out well for el Capitan. He was able to stay Quit while over there, yet, when he got back to the states he caved around Day 80. I tell you this not to discourage you, but to provide you with foresight so that you can build up your defenses better than he did. I don't think he was prepared to turn down offers from old friends here in the states.

Post roll early, Every day...keep your head low...and take this thing one day at a time my friend.


My Day 1 | 5/19/2010


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Offline andrew

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Re: 8 Days In!
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2011, 01:31:00 PM »
Welcome to the quit. I've been in country about as long as you, working on 5 months quit on my second deployment to Iraq. You can do and another guy on here are both over 100 days quit after starting while deployed. If you need anything let me know, send me a PM or something.
QUIT 01/03/11
HOF 04/12/11


Offline KUmarcus01

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Re: 8 Days In!
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2011, 10:31:00 AM »
Welcome aboard lep. You have made a great decision. Thanks for what you do, stay frosty, and PM me with any questions or comments or chat requests.
Quit Day: 15 May 2011
HOF Day: 23 August 2011

"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."
- Samuel Adams

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Offline husker06484

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Re: 8 Days In!
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2011, 09:51:00 AM »
Very Proud to be quit with you....Keep it up and thank you for all that you do!

Offline G

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Re: 8 Days In!
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2011, 09:29:00 AM »
Thanks for your service. Good to be quit with you.

Offline Jtricher

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Re: 8 Days In!
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2011, 06:46:00 AM »
Proud to be your September quit brother. Thank you for your service to our country. One day at a time we will kill the can.
I chose Freedom on May 26, 2011, at 9:16 PM CST. My Introduction
I entered the HOF on September 2, 2011, at 7:08 AM CST. My HOF Speech

Offline leppy71177

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8 Days In!
« on: June 01, 2011, 06:16:00 AM »
So I am a little late getting this on here but I figured now would be a good time to do my intro. I am 27 years old with a wife and two beautiful kids (boy-3 and girl-1). I have spent the last 7 months in Iraq told myself that I would quit before I went home. I am a teacher and coach in the civilian world and I hated the example I was setting for students and athletes. I have three months left in country and I stumbled upon this site. I had 2 1/2 cans left, which I ended up giving away. I liked the idea of roll call everyday and told myself it was time.

I am here to stay and make will make my committment to the other September guys...ONE DAY AT A TIME.

Thanks for everyone's support up until this point in time. It is greatly appreciated.
"Always do more than is required of you."
-General George S. Patton