OK guys, I have finally decided to post roll and an introduction. I quit on June 2, 2014 after dipping more than 2 cans a day for the last 20 years or so. I have been on KTC every day since then and have received private messages from several of you including Done4Me, CavMan83, sixercountry and others encouraging me to join in the fun. Even though I have not posted roll until today, I have been a member of KTC and used the resources. I have read tons of introductions, HOF speeches and other articles and have lived through all of the typical results of quitting. Even after over 100 days I am still eating sunflower seeds until my tongue is raw but it is getting easier. I do realize that this is an addiction that I will never be free from and have vowed to myself to never put that crap in my mouth again. Personally, I live in Central Florida, married with three sons and love to fish. I never hid my addiction from anyone and decided that the waste of money and killing myself was absurd. One of the quotes that I found on this site that really keeps me going is that quitting is hard but having your face cut off from cancer is harder. Quit on!
Glad you finally jumped in. Post roll every day. It does get better and better. Welcome.
Florida - You made my day posting roll. Good to see you step up and join the Sultans. You will not regret it.
KTC - Saw this guy and have been trading PMs with him since June. It's good to see he was able to quit just by reading everything he could, without the daily post, without the accountability of text groups and having digits, without the brotherhood that forms in each quit group. That is pretty damn strong in my book.
Now the truly odd part as Cavman said. First roll post and he's a HOFer. Congrats Florida Longhorn on 105 days!
FL Longhorn!!
Welcome and oh by the way, KTC Counts the day you spit it out as day one. I just updated the tracker....dude you're at day 107!!!
Congrats again and welcome...I'm still a bit in awe how you did all this without interacting with us nut jobs (okay maybe not all of us are nut jobs)..
Outstanding. Now you get to right a HOF speech :D
Welcome FL,
Lots of quitters here from florida. I'm certain their are a few near you. I know a badass quitter named Morgan1 lives in Floirda. So does P23 and DIJ. If you can get their numbers your quit accountability will be much stronger.
I have to warn you though, these are very serious quitters. They will hold your feet to the fire.
To me you sound like you want to do this.
The 6th word in your 1st post is the key.
You have to do that 6th word every day that your feet hit the floor or you will cave. Think of how you dipped. You used that 6th word and dipped. Now you will use that word and "be quit" EDD ODAAT.
You will get to know the addict hiding behind the layers of lies that we created with our addiction. The more layers you peel the stronger your quit will be...as long as you keep using the 6th word.
There is much to learn under each layer of quit freedom.
You can do this. You can "be quit". You can help others. You can be free to be the person you're meant to be. Afterall, we were not born with this poison in our mouths.