Author Topic: First post, first time!  (Read 995 times)

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Offline SirDerek

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Re: First post, first time!
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2012, 10:21:00 PM »
roscoe -

take the advice from these fine men that have offered, read up and get you into that Jan 13 group. You need it for yourself, then look what the benefits to the others in your life will get....(having you around for many years).

Offline Coach Steve

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Re: First post, first time!
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2012, 11:07:00 AM »
Quote from: rosco
Thanks for the replies, I'm on day 2 and so far so good. Luckily I get to take my rage out on a daily basis at work, so by the time I get home I'm to tired to be angry. And the money is a huge motivater for me, $200 a month for nothing!!!
I'm not seeing a roll post from you yet.........

The January 13 group is eagerly awaiting your presence. Before you go much further, just know that KTC is not a place where you show up from time to time and give us a status update. You post roll each day and that is your promise to stay quit for that one day. Go to the Welcome Center and read more. I'll be looking for your name on January 13's roll.

Quit Like Fuck.
Make Your Decision

Offline rosco

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Re: First post, first time!
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2012, 10:42:00 AM »
Thanks for the replies, I'm on day 2 and so far so good. Luckily I get to take my rage out on a daily basis at work, so by the time I get home I'm to tired to be angry. And the money is a huge motivater for me, $200 a month for nothing!!!

Offline Stand W

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Re: First post, first time!
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2012, 12:06:00 PM »
Quote from: rosco
Hello all, I am about to begin my journey nic free. I have been chewing for the past 23 years and am up to a 2 can a day habit. I just cannot continue spending all of this money on this shit. I have a 8 month old baby at home, and feel ashamed when I think of the money that could have been spent on him. I have tried one other time to quit and did not use for a year, then the devil sucked me back in. This is not an option for me anymore, I HAVE TO QUIT!!!! I just found this site last night, what a God sent. Really never dawned on me that there were so many people like me out there. I'm a little aprehensive right now, but know what to expect, so here I go!
you're in the right place. I never would have believed I could have reached 106 days, but this site let me know that all my experiences with nic bitch were totally common. And dont quit forever all in one go. Quit for today. Then do that again tomorrow. Rinse and repeat.

Post roll everyday come hell or high water. Contact someone if you need to. Burn the bridge and guard your quit. You've made a great decision.
Alea jacta est - The die is cast

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Re: First post, first time!
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2012, 10:03:00 AM »
Money is a great motivator. but you'll always find a way to buy a tin. under you car seat there are a few quarters. check the lint catcher in your dryer. you may come across a couple of singles. those empty bottles are worth a nickel each right?

we don't do this to save money. we do this to save our lives. the financial impact is gravy.

you can do thisfor right now. for you. For the next ten minutes. Then keep going. be quit.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

Offline dgonseaux

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Re: First post, first time!
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2012, 09:53:00 AM »
Quote from: rosco
Hello all, I am about to begin my journey nic free. I have been chewing for the past 23 years and am up to a 2 can a day habit. I just cannot continue spending all of this money on this shit. I have a 8 month old baby at home, and feel ashamed when I think of the money that could have been spent on him. I have tried one other time to quit and did not use for a year, then the devil sucked me back in. This is not an option for me anymore, I HAVE TO QUIT!!!! I just found this site last night, what a God sent. Really never dawned on me that there were so many people like me out there. I'm a little aprehensive right now, but know what to expect, so here I go!
Hey man, I quit when my wife was 6 months pregnant and my first born was 7 months old. From my experience, there's one thing that you HAVE to do, and that's remove yourself from your daughter when you feel that urge/rage/frustration coming on. I used a slew of cuss words, tried to break a dinner plate, and bashed my head into the wall several times during my quit (ashamedly all in front of my daughter), and now my oldest daughter throws fits by hitting her head on anything nearby.

I know I sounds like some crazy dude, but I'm actually pretty normal (other than singing itsy bitsy spider in the shower nowadays) and my wife would tell you that I'm a great father and husband. But for a solid 50 or 60 days, that wasn't the case. Kids are the best thing that can happen to a man, but they will test your patience (as I'm sure you know) and my patience bank was running a negative balance through most of the first month or two.

Just make sure both you and your wife are ready for you to run out the door for 5 or 10 minutes where you can chill, break things in the garage, and get over your fits away from your girl. She doesn't need to see that. Try to avoid alone time with her for a while too, so you have the option to get away. Also, have your wife read this. It helped mine alot.

Bottom line, you can do this. It'll probably be tougher with kids, but let me tell you, it's SO MUCH BETTER without nic! I have no worries of her accidentally opening a spitter, I don't have to spit into the bottle around her head anymore, and I don't have to worry about the chance that my wife might have to raise them alone because of nicotine stealing me away from life early.

Another good motivator is Tom and Jenny's story. I read it several times during the beginning.

Check your PM for my number, and get this thing kicked!
Nic Quit: February 23rd, 2012
Alchohol Quit: July 27, 2011
KTP Quit: January 5th, 2013

You are more than the choices that you?ve made
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes
You are more than the problems you create
You?ve been remade

-Tenth Avenue North - You Are More

It's worth the pain, God's in the rain. It's not to late to start again, it's worth the pain.
So hold on tonight, there's grace. When you're at wits end, begging for it, He'll take you by the hand. There's grace.

-Disciple - Worth the Pain

Phillipians 4:13

Offline hudsonp

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Re: First post, first time!
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2012, 08:38:00 AM »
welcome aboard!

head up to the welcome center at the left of the page, read everything you can! post roll in your pre HOF class (january 2013) - its your promise to everyone here and yourself that you will not use nicotine today. read some more, come back tomorrow and do it all over again
Gather in his name

"1 problem + nicotine = 2 problems" - Scowick65

QD: 9-6-12
HOF 12-14-12

Offline rosco

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First post, first time!
« on: October 05, 2012, 08:29:00 AM »
Hello all, I am about to begin my journey nic free. I have been chewing for the past 23 years and am up to a 2 can a day habit. I just cannot continue spending all of this money on this shit. I have a 8 month old baby at home, and feel ashamed when I think of the money that could have been spent on him. I have tried one other time to quit and did not use for a year, then the devil sucked me back in. This is not an option for me anymore, I HAVE TO QUIT!!!! I just found this site last night, what a God sent. Really never dawned on me that there were so many people like me out there. I'm a little aprehensive right now, but know what to expect, so here I go!