Author Topic: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict  (Read 1672 times)

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2014, 08:55:00 AM »
Quote from: Emulator
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Scoot
Tuesday is day six, totally done without a net. A couple of times today it was like day one. Lots of sunflower seeds sacrificed to the cause today. I need to learn roll call, tried today but it didn't go so well.
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Welcome to May
Your doing great scoots. We are here for you . Do you have numbers?
Welcome!! It's simple and it works! Post roll every damn day, keep promise to remain nic free, repeat. I'm proof that anyone can quit! Congrats on taking your life is wonderful to be free!!!
Quitting every damn day since October 21, 2013

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2014, 09:20:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Scoot
Tuesday is day six, totally done without a net. A couple of times today it was like day one. Lots of sunflower seeds sacrificed to the cause today. I need to learn roll call, tried today but it didn't go so well.
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Welcome to May
Your doing great scoots. We are here for you . Do you have numbers?

D-Day 1/1/14
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My HoF Speech:

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2014, 07:36:00 PM »
Scoot, here is how to post roll
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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2014, 08:09:00 AM »
Quote from: Scoot
Tuesday is day six, totally done without a net. A couple of times today it was like day one. Lots of sunflower seeds sacrificed to the cause today. I need to learn roll call, tried today but it didn't go so well.
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Welcome to May
Quit since 1/23/14

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2014, 10:56:00 PM »
Tuesday is day six, totally done without a net. A couple of times today it was like day one. Lots of sunflower seeds sacrificed to the cause today. I need to learn roll call, tried today but it didn't go so well.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2014, 06:34:00 AM »
Quote from: tsmith17
Quote from: Scoot
Still alive out here, Monday will be day 5. I need to figure out roll call and thank you everyone for the replies. Sometimes this is real easy and others (like after meals) it feels like day one. Never wanted/needed to chew gum so much in my life. Yeah, Nicorette is for sissies. Altoids and lifesavers are a treat. Still reaching for the can in my pocket that is not/will not be there again. This needs to be bad and ugly so that I won't be tempted to do this again, this is it  nicotine, I'm done with you.
Take your life back, one day at a time.
The real you (Nicotine Free Guy) is a great dude. Think back to when you were a kid, before you were an addict. The world was a big wonder. Each day was fresh and new. You get to experience this again!! Plus you're removing painful jaw removal surgery from your bucket list.

Be strong and enjoy each and every second your new freedom. You are a rare man who decided to take that shit back. Congratulations my brother.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2014, 02:43:00 AM »
Quote from: Steakbomb18
Quote from: Scoot
With my Skoal long-cut straight I could endure any hardship, figure out any problem, repair anything man-made and excel at any task, and now , it's gone. I have to figure out how to go on without it.
Scoot, I'm glad you're here and your intro topic heading, "...and I'm an addict" couldn't be more spot on. It's refreshing to see you understand the addiction piece from the get go. With that said, I'd like you to re-read the piece I quoted from your original post. That, my friend, is not Scoot talking, that's the addict talking. THAT, is nicotine. I say the following with all due respect, do yourself a favor and start separating yourself from that person, i.e. the addict within you and find Scoot. Begin to recognize yourself only as a quitter, and a badass one at that. The quitter realizes that everything they thought could only be accomplished with a dip in the lip or cig in the mouth, can be and IS more fulfilling when achieved without the aid of that nasty bitch. As that fog continues to lift, this will all become more clear. Celebrate your ability to accomplish life without being a slave to that can. The joy this will bring you will blow you away at times, especially when looking back at the addict throught the eyes of a quitter.

Do not quit your quit and QLFEDD.
Scoot -- Congrats on taking your life back, and look forward to posting alongside you in the May 2014 quit group ("Project Mayhem").

You and Steakbomb hit the nail on the head: the first several days after quitting, I had no idea how I would do / deal with everyday things (no matter how simple or complex) without a lipper. Once the fog lifted, and I had a few more days of a non-dip routine under my belt, not only could I do all the usual things, but it felt amazing to do them without a need / desire to dip. I'm far from the quitting veteran that some of the other guys who have posted on your thread are, but I can tell you that when the fog starts to lift, it's a wonderful thing. Keep it up, and see you on roll.

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2014, 02:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Scoot
Still alive out here, Monday will be day 5. I need to figure out roll call and thank you everyone for the replies. Sometimes this is real easy and others (like after meals) it feels like day one. Never wanted/needed to chew gum so much in my life. Yeah, Nicorette is for sissies. Altoids and lifesavers are a treat. Still reaching for the can in my pocket that is not/will not be there again. This needs to be bad and ugly so that I won't be tempted to do this again, this is it  nicotine, I'm done with you.
Take your life back, one day at a time.

Offline Scoot

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2014, 10:44:00 PM »
Still alive out here, Monday will be day 5. I need to figure out roll call and thank you everyone for the replies. Sometimes this is real easy and others (like after meals) it feels like day one. Never wanted/needed to chew gum so much in my life. Yeah, Nicorette is for sissies. Altoids and lifesavers are a treat. Still reaching for the can in my pocket that is not/will not be there again. This needs to be bad and ugly so that I won't be tempted to do this again, this is it nicotine, I'm done with you.

Offline Garrett32

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2014, 07:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Scoot
Hello all! I'm starting day 4 of my no nic at all quit. Pulled the trigger Thursday morning. smoked and chewed since I was fifteen. I turn fifty this September and wanted to do it free of addiction. My dad was a lifetime smoker, couldn't beat the addiction. Died way too young at age sixty, after a botched heart valve replacement surgery. I have a four year old son named Wyatt, I can't do that to him. The first two days were hell. I had what was left of my can in my front pants pocket, not having it would have caused a panic attack.  I was "in the fog". I was afraid of Chantix because of all the strange mental stuff so I did not try to obtain it. Just straight, no BS, cold turkey. I was definitely impaired the first two nights and days but now things are clear. I was surprised that not chewing was not that hard at first because I was just numb. Now it's tough. With my Skoal long-cut straight I could endure any hardship, figure out any problem, repair anything man-made and excel at any task, and now , it's gone. I have to figure out how to go on without it. I already love you guys and thank you for this site, as it encouraged me to do a no BS quit. See ya down the road.
Scoot, I'm right there with you man. It is hard to solve familiar problems without a little bit of sin in your lip. But you will get stronger, you will get better, you will beat it my man! Were all here for you!

Offline Steakbomb18

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2014, 12:21:00 PM »
Quote from: Scoot
With my Skoal long-cut straight I could endure any hardship, figure out any problem, repair anything man-made and excel at any task, and now , it's gone. I have to figure out how to go on without it.
Scoot, I'm glad you're here and your intro topic heading, "...and I'm an addict" couldn't be more spot on. It's refreshing to see you understand the addiction piece from the get go. With that said, I'd like you to re-read the piece I quoted from your original post. That, my friend, is not Scoot talking, that's the addict talking. THAT, is nicotine. I say the following with all due respect, do yourself a favor and start separating yourself from that person, i.e. the addict within you and find Scoot. Begin to recognize yourself only as a quitter, and a badass one at that. The quitter realizes that everything they thought could only be accomplished with a dip in the lip or cig in the mouth, can be and IS more fulfilling when achieved without the aid of that nasty bitch. As that fog continues to lift, this will all become more clear. Celebrate your ability to accomplish life without being a slave to that can. The joy this will bring you will blow you away at times, especially when looking back at the addict throught the eyes of a quitter.

Do not quit your quit and QLFEDD.
Certified Grade A Badass

Offline slug.go

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2014, 12:12:00 PM »
Scoot, here's how to post roll.
We do it every day and hold ourselves and each other accountable for being quit.
Go to 'Quit Groups', scroll down to May 2014, that's where you post roll. You will fuck it up the first couple times, don't sweat it, someone will fix it. When you enter your name on our roll, that is your oath not to consume any nicotine in any form for that day. Do it every day. My dip history is a lot like yours, if I can do this, you can, too.
It will suck for a while, but that's your fault for using, then it won't. Remember when going through the suck, you don't ever want to have to do it again.
Welcome to May!
Quit since 1/23/14

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2014, 12:00:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Scoot
Hello all! I'm starting day 4 of my no nic at all quit. Pulled the trigger Thursday morning. smoked and chewed since I was fifteen. I turn fifty this September and wanted to do it free of addiction. My dad was a lifetime smoker, couldn't beat the addiction. Died way too young at age sixty, after a botched heart valve replacement surgery. I have a four year old son named Wyatt, I can't do that to him. The first two days were hell. I had what was left of my can in my front pants pocket, not having it would have caused a panic attack.  I was "in the fog". I was afraid of Chantix because of all the strange mental stuff so I did not try to obtain it. Just straight, no BS, cold turkey. I was definitely impaired the first two nights and days but now things are clear. I was surprised that not chewing was not that hard at first because I was just numb. Now it's tough. With my Skoal long-cut straight I could endure any hardship, figure out any problem, repair anything man-made and excel at any task, and now , it's gone. I have to figure out how to go on without it. I already love you guys and thank you for this site, as it encouraged me to do a no BS quit. See ya down the road.
Welcome scoot. Read the welcome center and we need you to post roll in the May 2014 quit group. This is your commitment to yourself and us that you will be nicotine free and quit today. This is the most important thing you do today.

You are right... Cold turkey is the only way. Nice job battling thru the fog and getting to day 4.

Btw,... Nicotine never helped you do any of the things you said below.... It can't help you solve problems, it don't make you think better, ,,, it does nothing of the sort. It only kills you. You don't need poison to survive and live.... Once you quit you will see that you will be thinking more clearly and life is just better.

Good to have you hear. Now go post roll and let us know your quit today.
Have confidence that you can do anything without tobacco/nicotine. You need to have a tough/positive attitude. And don't see us down the road. See us every day when you post your daily pledge. I quit with you.
It's great to see your positivity early on. If you are anything like 99.9999% of quitters than you know there are hard times to come. We all went through them and are damn happy we did. Stick around, post roll, and get this done for September.
"This personal torture has a good ending right?"

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2014, 11:55:00 AM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: Scoot
Hello all! I'm starting day 4 of my no nic at all quit. Pulled the trigger Thursday morning. smoked and chewed since I was fifteen. I turn fifty this September and wanted to do it free of addiction. My dad was a lifetime smoker, couldn't beat the addiction. Died way too young at age sixty, after a botched heart valve replacement surgery. I have a four year old son named Wyatt, I can't do that to him. The first two days were hell. I had what was left of my can in my front pants pocket, not having it would have caused a panic attack.  I was "in the fog". I was afraid of Chantix because of all the strange mental stuff so I did not try to obtain it. Just straight, no BS, cold turkey. I was definitely impaired the first two nights and days but now things are clear. I was surprised that not chewing was not that hard at first because I was just numb. Now it's tough. With my Skoal long-cut straight I could endure any hardship, figure out any problem, repair anything man-made and excel at any task, and now , it's gone. I have to figure out how to go on without it. I already love you guys and thank you for this site, as it encouraged me to do a no BS quit. See ya down the road.
Welcome scoot. Read the welcome center and we need you to post roll in the May 2014 quit group. This is your commitment to yourself and us that you will be nicotine free and quit today. This is the most important thing you do today.

You are right... Cold turkey is the only way. Nice job battling thru the fog and getting to day 4.

Btw,... Nicotine never helped you do any of the things you said below.... It can't help you solve problems, it don't make you think better, ,,, it does nothing of the sort. It only kills you. You don't need poison to survive and live.... Once you quit you will see that you will be thinking more clearly and life is just better.

Good to have you hear. Now go post roll and let us know your quit today.
Have confidence that you can do anything without tobacco/nicotine. You need to have a tough/positive attitude. And don't see us down the road. See us every day when you post your daily pledge. I quit with you.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: Hello, my name is Scott, I'm an addict
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2014, 11:53:00 AM »
Welcome scoot, we are here for you. You can do this.
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