Today is number 19. I just returned from a long road trip and remained tobacco free. There is a victory. Also last night I dreamed that I had caved. Terrible dream. Then this morning I found a can of half empty dip in the couch. I flushed it. Not today nicotene bitch.
I like that you're writing it out Chuck, like visiting to see how your quit is going (though I wish you'd put some panties on).
The dreams are mentioned by more than a few here and it's not insignificant. It is intrinsic proof that what you're dealing with is much more than mind over matter or force of will.
As evidenced by your dream, your very mind is working against you in your effort to separate yourself from nicotine.
The dopamine pathways are crying out for it. You have to rewire your brain. All of those experiences, waking up, after a fine meal, a long drive, etc. must now be rewired to be pleasurable WITHOUT THE DRUG.
I think to most addicts, at least to myself, it is an epiphany just how much of our life experiences we tainted with it.
In a sense, nicotine is parasitic in nature; first encroaching on and then redefining what defines a pleasurable experience in our brains.
It's powerful stuff and not to be taken lightly, at least not by those who want to succeed.
19 is great Chuck. I'll be posting with you tomorrow.