Interesting little bit of info for anyone (especially the new guys) coming to KTC.
I am not at day 202 of being quit. Over the past 100 days I have been in and out of KTC as my schedule allowed, not putting as much effort as I used to. Don't worry, this isn't turning in to a cave post. I just wanted to drop by and remind myself, when I am looking back on this, that the cravings don't dissipate. Last night I found myself trying to say "oh, don't worry, one won't hurt. It's better that you use tobacco than *some other substance*." It was substantially easier to recognize a crave and not give in than it was at day 1, 10, 20, or even 100, but they still exist.
Always be on your guard and listen when you hear that devil whisper in your ear. Realize who is talking, and ignore them.