you need to quit right the fuck now. what are you waiting for? tomorrow? the next day? when pluto and mars fucking align? maybe new years? or how about when the dentist notices a little patch on your tongue? tough to tell your kids that you love them without a fucking tongue.
you quit for you. i don't want you falling into the "i'm quitting for my pops" trap cuz then it doesn't mean as much to you. you don't quit for your wife or kids. it's time to be selfish in a good way... you're going to quit for YOU. because YOU want to, and because it's the right thing for YOU to do. this ain't no one else's fight, brother. you're the only one who can sack up, man up and make the decision that you're done.
mind you, i didn't say that you're quitting. this ain't a decision that you make every day. this is a decision you make once, steel your mind against the siren's song of nicotine, and close the door. we affirm that decision here at KTC every day with a promise not to use for the day, but the reality is the decision was made long ago.
so what do you do? well here it is as simply as i can make it:
1. flush your stash down the toilet. and your secret stash, and your car stash, and your work stash, and your double secret stash. all of it. don't throw it away cuz your addict ass will be dumpster diving in 36 hours. get rid of it permanently.
2. post roll. this is our daily promise not to use nicotine IN ANY FORM for that day. you post roll
EARLY as a promise and not late as a status report. you're in the
november quit group.3. you keep your fucking word. no matter what. slam your balls in a drawer if you have to, though i don't recommend that unless it is your last resort.
4. do it again tomorrow. in the meantime, read read read the wisdom on this site. it was written by addicts that are going through or have gone through exactly what you're experiencing. THAT is why this place works. we know what you'll be experiencing because someone on this site went through the exact same thing. you'll hear your story told over and over again as you read. it's because we're all addicts to the same drug. there ain't too many stories to tell...
5. lastly, to make your quit rock solid, you have to make yourself accountable to a bunch of strangers on the internet. how the hell is that done? you need to be active here... reading, posting your thoughts, posting comments, posting support, sending PM's (private messages), venting your withdrawal rage, giving out your phone number, getting phone numbers, calling quit brothers, texting quit sisters. you get the idea. the more you engage, the stronger your quit is to temptation and the more tools you have in your arsenal to fight when a crave sneaks up on you.
let me know how i can help. i'm here for you. now stop fucking reading all of this, flush your shit, and post roll. get moving.