Hi all-
Just a quick post to introduce myself. I am also a member of another online quit group community and have talked with some great quitters. Many of these folks recommended this community as well, so here I am.
I quit using Copenhagen 8/1/08 so I am officially at day 72. I'm proud as hell of myself for quitting while at the same time mad as hell I ever opened a tin. My gums have receded and I'm likely looking at skin grafts to repair the damage. If that is the worst I am facing then count me lucky.
How did I get here? In HS, dippng was something we all did, but I don't really think there was any addiction as I never actually bought any, or at least very rarely. It was more of a 'cool' thing several of us farm boys did while having a few beers. College football certainly didn't help- I chewed a lot during those days, and it was always available whether I had the cash or not...just too many guys as a group who were dipping to ever run out. Quit after college for a long time, but somehow started up again. Quit, started, quit, started, you know the story.
Fast forward to August 2008. It just kind of hit me one day that this was disgusting, costing us money we don't have, and worst of all probably killing me. I love my kids and I cherish my wife who has endured this shit for too long. She quit smoking while we were pregnant with our twins (6 now) and so knows this is hard. Me- of course I chewed throughout the pregnancy nice guy I am. Actually I hid the dipping from most people, including my wife for a spell. Stupid.
I just keep asking myself how I could have been so stupid for so long. I appreciate this and the other community a lot...thanks to those who have said hello, and hello to those who I have yet to meet.
Cope to Nope