Phil, you have come to the right place to quit. All the tools you need to quit are on this site.
Post roll EVERY day as soon as you can, and promise not to use nicotine all day. Keep your word.
The true secret to making this work is to build your accountability. You are already out of your comfort zone a little so keep going and exchange some phone numbers. (PM me if you want mine). Get through today and after you post roll tomorrow adopt a day 1 quitter and help them get through it. Post on your intro and talk so much quit that you can't possibly cave without being a total hypocrite. There were days that the only thing that kept me from caving was that the thought of letting down the people quitting with me was more terrifying than the nic bitches lies.
Drink lots of water, limit caffeine, abstain from alcohol, get lots of exercise, and get lots of nicotine free things to stuff in your gob and take the edge off the oral fixation. Fake dip, jerky dip, atomic fireballs, sunflower seeds, gum, a wad of fresh mint, and more all helped me get through the craves. Break it down to not caving minute to minute or second to second if you need to.
Additionally, since you will have plenty of rage in the early part of your quit, direct it at the proper target, and build a healthy hatred for the poison weed nicotine. Hate the way it has made you a slave, hate the way it poisons you, hate the way the soul-less drug pushers at big tobacco have made fortunes for centuries by hooking children and young adults to replace the costumers the poison kills, and hate the nic bitch whispering lies in your ear trying to get you to cave.
Keep reading everything on KTC, and just get through today. If you follow the plan you will eventually find yourself in a wonderful place. You got this.