Hello all. I am in day 12 of my final quit. All is well thus far.
I am quitting because I want to. After 30 years, it is time. I am not and have never been a closet dipper. I dont like spending six bucks a day, but that is not why I am quitting. My dad died of esophagael cancer and my mother has had oral cancer twice and beat it. However, I am not quitting because I am afraid of cancer or dying or living without most of my lower jaw and teeth (like my mother).
I am quitting because I havent been honest. I tell myself that the most important things to me are God, Family and Friends; but my actions each day don't reflect that. My actions each day say that my addiction to nicotine is the most important thing.
Not to be uber-religious, but I was reading about the rich young ruler. Who of us wouldnt give up what was important to us if God asked us. What about if our spouse asked us? What if our kids asked us? What if our good friends asked us? All of them have asked me to give up copenhagen, but I have refused them all (with the exception of God - if he spoke from a cloud I would of at least tried). I blew them all off. Why? My addiction meant more to me than they did.
So, I am done. Time to put my money where my mouth is. I am quitting to be true to myself. I am not quitting for anyone else. I am quitting so that my life can be honestly lived. I will be devoted to God, my family and my friends. All else will be secondary.
Congratulations for yesterday, persevere today, don't worry about tomorrow.