Author Topic: quitting, for the millionth time, but the last!  (Read 1273 times)

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Offline Souliman

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Re: quitting, for the millionth time, but the last!
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2011, 08:08:00 PM »
Welcome aboard brother. Way to take the step to take back control of your life.

Offline _oz

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Re: quitting, for the millionth time, but the last!
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2011, 02:05:00 PM »

Welcome. Glad to see you are here after the first day -- you gave us your word today that you will not use tobacco. I give you my word I will quit with you today.

It will be hard, I'm not gonna bullshit you. Right when you think it starts going good and it's a free ride, you will get smacked upside the head. That Nic Bitch will use everything she possibly can to get you sucking on her tit again. I got hit 2 times really hard after the initial few weeks went by. First was around day 45 - life sucked ass. I was a complete jackass to everyone. Again around day 75 or so was even worse.

We are not here to tell you it will be easy - cuz it won't. But, I will tell you that I will be right here with you during the time when you think everyone is out to get you!

1 day at a time - together we can tell the Nic Bitch to FUCK OFF!

Proud to be quit with you.
QD - 5/13/11
1 day at a time!

Offline Cancrusher

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Re: quitting, for the millionth time, but the last!
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2011, 12:17:00 PM »

Hey man. Welcome to the our Village of Quit. We don't take too kindly to folks making half-hearted attempts around here. This is a place for real Quitters who Really want to Quit. Now, this may be you...of this I am not yet certain. The only real tool to measure this is Time. So jump on board. Post that roll. And keep that shit out of your face today 'archer' .

Your fellow Quit brother,


P.S. Chat is a cool place to rage. Just sayin'.
My Day 1 | 5/19/2010


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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Re: quitting, for the millionth time, but the last!
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2011, 06:50:00 AM »
Welcome to the grind Chris. Proud to quit with you! Post roll everyday so you know your not alone in the fight and remember that everyday you quit is a day you don't have to repeat. Stay strong man, we are all in this together.

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Re: quitting, for the millionth time, but the last!
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2011, 12:45:00 AM »
Quote from: ChrisH

  Thanks for the words bro! I know this is gonna suck, Day1 and well I'm sure I don't have to tell you what thats like!  But, I have my plan, so I think I'm finally ready, gotta bitch though, I always read about avoiding "triggers" now i'm sure you know, everything is a trigger for chew! I would put one during almost every activity!! almost everything involved throwin in a chew!! My biggest accomplishment was yesterday, mowed the whole lawn without a chew! I don't ever remember doing that!! well, enough for now, see ya!
Hey Chris,

Welcome, man. Day 1 is almost over for you, or maybe it already is, depending on where you are in the country. Now all you have to do is remember to post day 2. If you keep your promise, that's two days down and some really good shit.

Nice work mowing the lawn without a chew. Sounds like something I'd definitely throw a lip in for. I agree with you, everything seems like a trigger. As addicts, everything was an excuse to use. In fact, that just led me to a realization-- "TRIGGER" IS A WORD OUR ADDICT MINDS HAVE DEVELOPED FOR EXCUSES TO CAVE. Remember that the next time the nic bitch says, "Hey, this would be a perfect time for you to throw in a lipper!" Think of the trigger/excuse as an opportunity to strengthen your quit by telling the nic bitch, "Fuck off, I'm busy."

With regard to triggers/excuses in general, you're going to have to face them without chew at some point. I painted the kitchen the first few days of my quit which was a serious trigger/excuse, but I felt liberated by facing stuff like that knowing I don't need the nic bitch hanging around while I do it. Facing triggers/excuses early on strengthened my quit because, for me, it was my way of turning my shoulder on nicotine and just stepping further away from it.

Just my two cents. Facing triggers/excuses worked for me, but it could end up being someone else's downfall, provided they don't take their quit or consider their word (posting roll) to be worth a damn.

Good luck. PM me if you need anything. Don't forget to post Day 2.
Quit Day: 6/20/2011
1st Floor: 9/27/2011


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Re: quitting, for the millionth time, but the last!
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2011, 10:30:00 PM »
Welcome, sir. Like you, Cope was my constant companion for more years than I care to remember. Not anymore. Hang in there the next several days because they are going to suck like no other. You will get through it. Man up and do this. I quit with you.

Quit 07/14/11
HOF 10/21/11
2nd 01/30/12
3rd 05/08/12

Offline DennyX

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Re: quitting, for the millionth time, but the last!
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2011, 05:51:00 PM »
Hey Chris - welcome, this is a great place to be....if you're serious. Can get pretty interesting if you're not. This time is different because you have never really QUIT before. You may have taken a couple breaks, just like I and many others here did, but now you're quit. Marinate on that for a minute.

Second, stay close to this site for the next couple days especially, they're going to SUCK. No BS, that's why they say welcome to the suck. Breath it in and don't ever forget this, you never have to go through it again. I saw your roll post day 1, super proud of you. Speaking of your roll post, see in the upper left corner the pink "Welcome Center"? Click on that and read everything start to finish. Your roll post actually made a nagging thought of dip go away for me today and I thank you for that. Go into "LIVE CHAT" in the upper right for some support. PM me if there's anything I can do and again, Welcome!


Offline DennyX

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Re: quitting, for the millionth time, but the last!
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2011, 05:50:00 PM »
...woops, duplicated

Offline ChrisH

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Re: quitting, for the millionth time, but the last!
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2011, 02:33:00 PM »

Thanks for the words bro! I know this is gonna suck, Day1 and well I'm sure I don't have to tell you what thats like! But, I have my plan, so I think I'm finally ready, gotta bitch though, I always read about avoiding "triggers" now i'm sure you know, everything is a trigger for chew! I would put one during almost every activity!! almost everything involved throwin in a chew!! My biggest accomplishment was yesterday, mowed the whole lawn without a chew! I don't ever remember doing that!! well, enough for now, see ya!

Offline Wild_Bill

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Re: quitting, for the millionth time, but the last!
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2011, 02:25:00 PM »

Welcome to KTC! Most of us have been down the road of half-assed quitting. I was just there about two weeks ago when the brothers in this group taught me that we are all addicts, plain and simple. And, the only way to do this is cold turkey. It fucking sucks, but it does get better. Drinks tons of water. Flush that nic bitch out!!

There is a cwealth of great and inspiring information here. Go look at some of the cancer pics. Then go read some HOF speeches and words of wisdom.

It's one day at a time. If you think in terms of forever, you're fucked. POST ROLL every day and reach out to anyone if you need to.

I am proud to quit with you today.

day 9
Quit Dip: August 12, 2011
Quit Cigs: October 1, 2009

veni, vici, cessavi

Offline ChrisH

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quitting, for the millionth time, but the last!
« on: August 21, 2011, 02:08:00 PM »
Well, I've been chewing for about 16 years, copnehagen snuff to start, then onto the long cut when it came out. I remember my first, at the pool when I was 15, as usual, someone else had some, asked if I wanted to try it, and the rest is history. I went to a private school where tobacco was not allowed. Looking back now I can't believe the lengths we took and the money wasted to get and hide our cope! I've tried to quit at least three times a year, but I can admit to myself that I never put forth a REAL effort! Even after being nic free for almost 3 months at boot camp, the first thing I did was buy a can of cope in the airport on the way home for leave!! But, now is the time!! So, hope to get some help and support from you guys, and hopefully we'll talk more!!