Hey all, my name is Dustin, I'm a former paratrooper for the US Army and now a UP Railroader. I've battled quitting quite a few times, never successfully. Rolling into my 8th year as a dipper, a friend of mine, as well as a big KTC supporter, Mark Perry made a post on Facebook about him being off it for quite some time, with KTC shared in a link. That night, I brought a train home from El Paso, and with a pinch in my mouth, his post came to mind. I rapidly asked myself, "what the hell are you doing, man...." I got home around 4am and I had had it. I threw the can away, and so far, it's been surprisingly easy to stay away. I think I'm at the point in my life that I've woken up so to say. I'm almost angry at myself for it taking this long.
Anyways, thats my story in a nutshell.