Congrats on making a great choice, D-Dub. Quitting is is staying quit that's hard. (my variation on your joke). I stopped a bunch of times too. I used to stop for a few days, or a week or something, just to prove to myself that I wasn't an addict. I DID THAT FOR 10 YEARS!!! All that proved was that I was an addict and that addicts can rationalize ANYTHING to get another fix.
The only thing I did differently this time was posting roll. Then, I clicked around a posts like these...and though, these guys get it. These guys understand addition. No pills, no patches, no ticks or short-cuts, no bullshit. Just cold turkey gut-check, headache, no sleep, constipated, white knuckle quit.
Posting roll and mutual accountability allows me to control my addiction each day. ONE DAY AT A TIME is all that matters. If you can keep your word for one day, you can live free. Post roll, keep your word, read everything you can and repeat. That is all there is to it.
Candy, gum, seeds, fake stuff...anything as long as it doesn't have nicotine. Embrace the suck. That is the feeling of healing. Nobody can do this for you. You've taken the first steps, let us help you with the rest. You got this, brother!!!