When I quit, I bought shit-loads of wintergreen gum. I'd chew a stick for 2 min until it started to lose the best flavor then I'd spit it out and put another one in for a few min. I'd go through a couple packs of gum until I got tired of it.. It gives you something to do, and you get the oral fix. It sort of takes the edge off.
But nothing is going to take away the craving or the fog except time without dip. You are in a no-pain-no-gain situation, except, if you cave, it's more than not adding a day to your quit record; you fucking LOSE all the time you had behind you and you go back to start. But if you keep your faith that it will pass, you beat the demons trying to pull you down! Win this day, and tomorrow, win that one. Day by day will pass, and you will be happy again doing the things that you did with dip in your mouth. Even taking a dump. :D
100 days of being uncomfortable compared to a lifetime of cancer-causing addiction .. It's a no brainer.. Hang in there, bro! Everyone is pulling for ya.