Author Topic: Day 4  (Read 2409 times)

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Re: Day 4
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2018, 02:04:33 PM »
Yo Reb,

Croak probably said it better than I can (he's good at writerin'). I used Zzquil on a daily basis until about the day 50 mark. My anxiety was ramped up to 100 and I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin.

My advice is to go see your Physician. I had never been prescribed anxiety meds but she hooked me up and I used them for about two months. Slept like a babe. Now I don't need anything to get to sleep and stopped taking the meds altogether.

I appreciate you reaching out. I'm going to message you in case you need anyone to talk to.

Jay Med (CLEFAN)

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Re: Day 4
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2018, 01:45:02 PM »
I experienced insomnia when I first quit. I leaned on Unisom for about two months. I gradually l was able to stop using it. Everyone is different and will go through phases of their quit differently. I agreed with what RDB said above. It will get better!

I am glad you are here and that you posted day 1. Get involved in your group, share what you are going through and get some numbers of fellow quitters. Making connections with others here is what literally made my quit 1000 times stronger. 

Reach out anytime, my digits are just a PM away.

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Re: Day 4
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2018, 01:24:58 PM »
When I first quit, I didn't go through insomnia like you describe. For me, the first week felt like everything was moving in slow motion. My head was foggy.

Whatever the symptoms, you are going through withdrawal. The only thing I can promise is that it will get better. You won't be suffering from insomnia for the rest of your life. Likely, over the next week things will start going back to normal.

I see that you posted roll - that's great! That's the secret sauce around here to staying quit. Post roll early every day. Make your promise, keep your promise. Refuse to cave no matter what.

Trust that your sleep will return to normal, because it will. Everything is better without tobacco.

RDB 1,016

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Day 4
« on: November 02, 2018, 12:19:51 PM »
Hey guys, 4 days in and have a couple of questions. Ever since I quit, I've had an extremely hard time sleeping. Like I can't fall asleep without zzzquil and/or alcohol. I've never had issues with getting to sleep before. As a result of my insomnia, My anxiety has increased ten fold. I dread getting into bed at night because I know how hard it will be to sleep. This has been one of the toughest weeks of my life and I can't help but think this isn't normal. Has anyone been through something similar? Any advice, please?