Chose my dogs name as my username but I also go by JP. Been dipping since I was 17 (I'm 23 now), quit a couple times to only get back into it after a couple months. I'm hoping this will help me have some accountability in order to stick with it this time. About me: I'm a Marine, currently living in Texas but I grew up in Northern Virginia (like a 10 minute drive to DC). I like working out and going to the beach with the pup. Looking forward to quitting with all of you!
Welcome Jaxon. No need to try here. You sound like a man of your word, so all you've gotta do is wake up, piss, and post roll each morning, then honor your word for that day. It will suck at times, but it's worth it and gets much better. Congrats on making the decision to take back your freedom at 23 years old.
Agreed. I'm 23 myself, and knowing that I can go the rest of my life without having to put a dip in is a comforting feeling.
The next few days, shoot, the next few weeks are gonna really suck. But you know what? Stick with this and quit, and you won't have to be 50 years old and worrying about your 3 year old granddaughter accidentally drinking out of your spit cup, or anything of that nature.
Grab this freedom. Just remember... You're an addict and will always be an addict. You'll be craving forever, so never let your guard down.
I quit with you.