Brock, you're in the right place. Welcome.
If you haven't already, visit the salmon colored Welcome Center in the upper left hand corner of the page. There you'll find out what posting roll means and how to do it.
I'll give you the run-down here. When you post roll in your quit group (Pre HOF March 2013), you're promising yourself, your quit brothers, and everyone else here that
for that day you're not putting any nicotene at all in your body. Just for that day. Then you come back the next day and promise the same thing. Then the next day. Then the one after that. The +1s start to add, and forever takes care of itself. I know you mean well promising forever, but you can't. I can't either. No one can. We take it one day at a time. Now go post roll
here.PM me if you wanna chit chat or have any questions. Welcome to our funkadelic nicotene free funland.