Good Morning all,
I am on day 2 off quitting and it sucks. I have been a 3 can a week user for the last 18 years. I am in the emergency services field and I would use the dip to help calm me down after a stressful call. I have choose to quit for several reasons. The main reason is for my daughter. The second reason is I have got white spots on my gums. Yes I am under doc's care for them.
Hey EMT - congrats on your decision to quit! It will be tough, but you can develop the tools to be successful.
One of those tools is making sure that you are quitting for yourself. Not your daughter, not your health, but because you have a deep, burning desire to stop being a slave. You need to learn to hate what tobacco and nicotine has done to you. The only thing nicotine does is curb nicotine withdrawal.
If you can't take that step and quit for you, you will most likely fail.
The other tools you'll develop here come from the accountability and support you'll find in your quit group. You make a daily promise (posting roll) there not to use nicotine. Your quit brothers and sisters there will help hold you accountable for that.
You are in the October quit group, so head over there, post your promise and introduce yourself.
Welcome again man, reach out if you need anything!