4 days in. Don't normally get headaches, but have had headaches ever since I quit. How long does that last? Figured once the nicotine cleared, it would of stopped...thoughts?
It takes about 72 hours for your body to be nicotine free, it takes about 6-8 weeks for your body to get its brain neurotransmitter levels back to where they should be. That's why things like anxiety, depression, and maybe headaches tend to linger early in the quit. Do your headache prevention stuff: eat healthy foods on a routine schedule and avoid long fasts, drink plenty of water, stay off the alcohol, and take ibuprofen or your pain medicine of choice as soon as that headache starts coming on (don't wait!). If the headaches are especially bad and unlike anything you have experienced before, go see your doctor. But under no circumstances should you scrap your quit.