About an hour ago, I took out the last pinch of a can and decided it would be my last (for like the 50th time). A little background, I'm a 20 year old college student. I'm sure I'm one of the younger posters on this site, and thankfully I've only just now started battling this addiction.
Despite being surrounded by friends that dipped all throughout high school, I never really had any interest in trying it. It looked and smelled nasty to me, and that was the end of it. That changed in college. I was a freshman and 18 years old when I put my first dip in, and I instantly loved it. My perspective on dip took an instant 180 degree turn. I went from never having dipped to going through a half can a day almost instantaneously. I would have never admitted to being addicted for the first few months (and I probably wasn't at that point). It was just something I enjoyed doing, and thought I could stop any time I wanted to (something I've read over and over again on this site). 2 years later, I'm 20 and know its becoming a problem, both financially and health-wise. I hate the sore throat, and am horrified by the thought of giving myself cancer. Half a can has turned into a full can a day. Being a college student with little money, the financial burden has been enough to make me attempt to quit. Every can that I've tossed out half full only to hit up the gas station an hour later has shown me that I am truly addicted, especially when I'm willing to drop the money. Since I took that first dip, I haven't gone more than 2 days without, so this will be pretty new to me.
Anyways, I'm really glad that I stumbled across this site (searching for information about the dangers of smokeless tobacco). Being surrounded by friends that dip as much as I do, and have no interest in quitting, has made it that much tougher to stop. This will be a good way for me to stay accountable. Thanks to everyone who posts on this site for giving me the impetus to finally say enough (again), but this time for real.
well texas man first up you need to no this heres a good dissishun. now theres guys what dipped here 20+ yeers with no cnaser and then theres a girl yunger then you what had a nasty bit a canser cut out after 2 yeers a dippin. point is it cood happin at any time.
seckind man click on that pink 'WELCOME CENTER' linke up top a the page. reed all that stuff there. reed bout why we post up roll and how to do it. then head on over to the march 2012 quit groop and post up roll. do this today. and first thng evry mornin. then its just as simpel as bein a man a your word.