Threw out the can for good after almost 17 years Monday August 3rd and I've been hanging out in these forums all through last week. I was surprised to find myself thinking about KTC all weekend and I couldn't wait to sit down at the laptop again today and read and maybe write something. I know it helps to be around, or just read words from others that at least have a clue what you're going through. I can definitely say quitting can make you feel pretty alone. I know what I'm doing is good, but it doesn't help take away the kicked in the nutz feeling you get when you go through the suck. I came down with a nice sore throat that makes you think you number is finally up, been sore and achy all week, blocked up and cramped stomach, not to mention more than a little moody. I definitely feel the poison leaving through every pore, which actually helps the mental side. I run my ass off for a few miles every other day, or so and sweating really seems to help. Also water all day and a glass of cold COLD water every time I get a strong craving helps a lot too.
Glad I found this site. Great to read a few times a day, everyday.