Weaning off will actually prolong the withdrawal, won't make it any easier to eventually quit and will most likely discourage you from quitting altogether.
The process of nicotine withdrawal begins immediately after you remove the source. You usually start to feel cravings after an hour or so. It's relieved by introducing more nicotine. By weaning, you are not training your body to deal without nicotine, because you do end up introducing it back in. So what happens, is that you are using less and feeling the pain from that withdrawal, without actually getting any benefit from that. Doing that for a period of days, weeks, months, whatever just keeps you in a constant state of withdrawal.
Eventually, you'll get tired of that and just go back to dipping full time, probably at an increased rate and you'll be discouraged about failing to quit. This failure and the resulting disappointment might make you put quitting off for several more years, at the cost of thousands of dollars and untold degradation of your health. I'm not being melodramatic. This exact scenario played out for many many people before they found this site and quit successfully, myself included.
So the point is, quit Now. Today. This second. If you found this site, you have some momentum behind you. Use that momentum to start your new life. It will suck at first, but it will get better. Freedom is not far off and it is absolutely worth it. There are folks here who successfully quit after dipping twice as long as you've been alive. You can do this, we can help you.
Find the September Quit group and post your Day One.