Ok, so everyone who reads this knows why I am here so there is no need to explain. I am a 21 year old college student who has been living in the can since I was 16. I have been going through a can of Copenhagen a day for almost 3 years now and I am finally at the point where I really want to give it up. I have made numerous half-hearted attampts with minimal success, but I feel as though this time is different. I am not doing this for anyone but myself, as someone said on here already, I am being selfish. To be honest, I could careless how many people I alienate in this attempt, because if they can't deal with a life-changing decision that will only help me, then do I really need them? I really hope that I can turn to you guys to blow off some steam and you will forgive me (who knows). I appreciate the time you guys have put into this site and look forward to getting to know everyone in my group, and some others.
Welcome to the site. This is the place to quit.
Look up the word "attempt" in the MSN dictionary. Oh hell, here's what you'll find:
at·tempt [ ə témpt ]
transitive and intransitive verb (past and past participle at·tempt·ed, present participle at·tempt·ing, 3rd person present singular at·tempts)
try to do something: to try to do something,
especially without much expectation of success (Source:
http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/attempt.html )
Is that really the word you want to assign to this quit? Are you going to "attempt" to quit (especially without much expectation of success)? I hope not.
So if you are ready to
do this, post roll call everyday. That is your word that you will not use tobacco in any form for that day. Then keep your word, whatever it takes.
As far as alienating people goes, this is the place to do it. Don't lash out at family members. They didn't put that shit in your mouth. If you're looking rage, rage here, if you need to call someone a name, call 40 a fag, if you want to be distracted from your fight against this addiction, check out the wildcard section.
The bottom line is that if you are looking to do this, not attempt it, this site will work. Drink the Kool-Aid. Post roll, be active, and you will be quit.