I'm still here. Day 4.
Yesterday was rough. Driving was simply synonymous with dip - and yesterday I did a lot of driving around.
The fog seems thinner this morning.
Great support on this site. Everyday I'm getting PMs from people checking up on me, asking questions.
It's cool.
Funny how guys in general see asking for help as a sign of weakness. It's such a part of our DNA. It's amazing what we can do when we ask for help. I know I'm only Day 4, but this quit feels different. It has to be.
My voice is hoarse at the end of every day and every morning I'm coughing up green shit. I don't know if it's just this lingering cold or if it's something worse. I don't want to think about it. Just want to focus on my quit.
My wife is heading up to LA with a friend this weekend. So, I've got all three kids. There was a time when I looked forward to this kind of thing as I could dip without fear of her seeing me do it. I'm not afraid I will cave, but I do feel a sense of loss. I know, it sounds crazy - but I used to love the game. Being a ninja dipper. Trying to not get caught. I did it so well for so long. Weekends like this were a reward.
How fucked up is that? I looked forward to my wife going on a trip so I could dip openly??????? If I wasn't dipping, I was planning for my next one. That's all that mattered.
Fucking slave.