Hey all! My name is Matt. I'm 21, and have been addicted to chewing tobacco for 6 years. Yesterday Morning I decided I'm not going to do it anymore. I've hid it from everyone. I've skipped out on all sorts of family events (weddings, funerals, cookouts) Just so I could stay home and throw in a big 'ol chawski. I've picked the most stressful time to quit (always is, isn't it?). I currently have an abscessed tooth, and my sister is randomly visiting with her 2 year old that LOVES TO SCREAM! 'bang head' . But tonight, other than excruciating misery, I've felt something I haven't felt in a long time, a small amount of solace without a chew. Almost as if I had passed into an eye of a hurricane, a little relief has hit me :)
Sure there are some things I'll miss when this is all over
1. Like the smell of a half full spitter you left in the heat in your car for a week+
2. The puss filled sores in my mouth that didn't go away for months
3. And last, but not least, how no matter what I did, my breath always smelled like shit
but hey, EVERYONE has to make sacrifices. I think I can manage lol.
Tomorrow, I can proudly say will be my 3rd day in a row free of tobacco and nicotine.