just kinda kickin back. considering buying a can of the tobacoless stuff when I wake up so I can have it tomorrow for work to see how that goes. I do respect everyones encouragement and I hope that it helps me. I just want to be able to go a week. If i can go a week I know for sure Im done with it. its just hard to get past the "i need this shit to keep me and my truck on the road"
I didn't read the other comments that you apparently didn't appreciate regarding your schedule not being a factor, so sorry if I'm plowing old ground. However, your mindset is the most important thing right now.
First, the fake stuff is fine. If it keeps you quit, use it for now. The most important thing is that you do not ingest nicotine.
Second, in order to make sure you don't ingest nicotine, you post roll call here. This is you looking us all in the eye and giving your word as a man that you will not use nicotine for a day. If you're a man of your word, the hardest part of your day will be making that post and giving your word because after that you know nicotine is off the table no matter what happens. I see that you have posted roll, so let's keep it going.
Third, there is no such thing as "being done" with this addiction. Instead of focusing on a week or a year or ten years, just focus on getting through today. We have a guy here who had quit for 15 years and decided one dip wouldn't hurt. Within a week, he was back to the slavery of a can a day of worm dirt.
Fourth, your freedom is worth fighting for. Why on earth would you want to hop in your vehicle every day and need something that costs you five bucks just to maintain an addiction? You do know that nicotine doesn't do anything for you other than make you go into withdrawals if you're not using it, right? If the idea of throwing money away and handing over control of your life to a weed isn't enough to convince you that quitting is the only rational decision to make, then there's always a little thing called cancer to consider. We have quitters here who have been through the surgery.
Fifth, you don't need the sheet to keep you and your truck on the road. That's the addiction talking. You'll be a lot better off once you start doing the talking. For example, you could start each day by saying "there's no fuckin' way I'm ingesting nicotine today and there isn't a thing in the world life could throw at me to make me use."
Welcome to the site and the suck. Things will get better and much easier, but it's not going to be easy right now. Hunker down and keep posting roll. Yell if you need anything.