Hey, I'm Katie and I have been dipping for almost five years. I smoked in high school for three years (freshman year to junior year), but hated how it made me feel since I was an athlete. I met my husband, who dips, my senior year and made the switch over to smokeless tobacco. It was actually more accepted by my family, despite me being a girl, because my father dips, so it was an easy habit to start. I've gotten married since dipping, started a family since dipping, and I am also a college student since I've started dipping; my life as a dipper is the only thing I know and that's sad! I've never been a wife or mother without dip and I feel like I'm doing all of this for the first time ever.
Today is my first day and the struggle is real! It's pathetic to see how I function without nicotine. I find myself wandering around in a daze, as if my brain isn't working at all. It's hard for me to concentrate and keep a conversation. I stutter, fidget, and forget what I'm saying. I have even found myself crying in frustration. As I typed this, my oxygen high kicked in and so did the four cups of coffee I had within the last half-hour. I feel less needy, but I know the desire to head to the gas station will kick in! Here's to 100 days dip free!
Good luck!