While I have quit a few times...
You stopped for a bit. You never quit. The second that you put a fresh turd in your lip you changed from being a quitter back into an addict.
I spent the past year attempting to quit with nicotine lozenges and gum...
It's impossible to quit an addiction if you're still using the substance you want to quit.
I decided 18 days ago that I would quit cold turkey and once and for all...
Cold turkey is what we do here. We all have done it and there is not reason why you can't. Don't worry about tomorrow or forever. Focus on today as that is all you can do. Post roll
*, honor your word, repeat tomorrow.
I need something else to do with myself at 4am other than dipping away the morning...
Drink a ton of water. Exercise. Go to bed early. Punch the clown as if he stole your paycheck if that's what it takes.
I'm hoping that making myself accountable to others on this site will encourage me to quit for good this time.
We don't "hope", we quit. You have to quit for you. You have to do the hard work of keeping your word all day. We can give support whenever you need it. The problem with this online environment is that we can't "see" you to see when you need that help so you have to be man enough to reach out and let us know when.
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