Welcome aboard sacubsfan,
You've made the most important decision of your life. You see, you're gonna actually begin living. You're going to get your life back. The day you started dipping is the day you gave your life to the nic bitch. Don't worry, YOU will get your life back, I promise YOU. It is simple, not easy but simple.
1.Post roll every morning (the sooner the better),
2. Promise (give your word) to US and YOURSELF that you will not dip today. (one day at a time)
3. Keep your word.
REPEAT the next morning.
Read everything you can on this board. Get in the chat room. Stay close to the site when you can, for strength and encouragement.
I am quit with you. Day 6 for me. Your quit is as strong as my quit! YOU can do this, I promise.