I actually just stumbled across this site tonight. For weeks, months even, I have thought about quitting. Well, not thought--I've known that I should. So, I just ran to the corner store and bought a huge bag of sunflower seeds.
I've really only been in the thick of this crap for about a year now (maybe more like a year and a half). Last summer I took a two week vacation overseas and was without dip the entire time. During that period I didn't really suffer any ill effects of withdrawal, with the exception of a few killer headaches at the start of the trip. And honestly, I didn't even give dip much of a second thought the rest of the trip. But what do I do as soon as I get off the plane when I get home? Buy some cancer dirt, of course. And since then it's been about half a can a day or more. I'm a college student and I'm tired of returning home on the weekends and sneaking out to my Jeep at about midnight when my parents are asleep...just to try to get a few late night pinches in before morning because I don't want my parents to know.
Anyway, I hope this is a start.