Author Topic: I surrender  (Read 1364 times)

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Offline bearattack

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Re: I surrender
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2009, 09:56:00 PM »
Rare that a member w an intro fals off....
I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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Re: I surrender
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2009, 12:16:00 PM »
Quote from: HamChop
Hello All,

I'm newly quit, 4 hours if you don't count the sleep I got last night. I just wanted to say hi and let everyone know that I am making commitment to all of you. Although these pledges have never worked before I have a good feeling about this one. Now, if I can just find a sufficiently engrossing habit to replace chewing with then everything will be well. Sike! (as they used to say in the early 90's). Life on life's terms.
How's that quit going there buddy?
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

Offline mule

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Re: I surrender
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2009, 09:13:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
I like this....
I am early in my quit. 4th Day to be exact. Can you tell me what to expect, just some good info. How long did it take you to just forget about the dip?

Thanks and congrats on 1 Year QUIT!!!!
hope I am there next year at this time.

Thanks Matt. 10 more days til my big day.

What to expect, eh? There's a resource on this site that lays out "what to expect" with your quit. The suck, the fog, the fuck-its, etc....In my opinion, there's some truth to this as many quitter follow similar patterns, but it's not universal. Knowing what I know now, here's what I would worry about if I was in your shoes:

Staying quit tonight and staying quit tomorrow.

That's about it. Don't worry about quitting forever or even reaching the HOF. Worry about today. Don't let yourself fall into the trap of feeling like shit just because you're supposed to feel like shit. And if you're feeling good, don't worry about feeling like shit in the future. Deal with now. That's how I made it this far. In the back of my mind, I knew that I had made a major life-changing decision, but I still only worry about one crave and one urge at a time. That is the key.

Here are some things that I do when I face a strong urge. I still think about tobacco and have physical urges - I don't use the term "craving" any longer because that implies I actually "want" a dip. That's the last fucking thing I want:

1a) Post roll EVERY day.

1b) Gather phone numbers from veterans and especially people in your August '09 quit group. If you feel like you're going to cave, call someone and ask for permission.

2) Get to know the people in your quit group. The best way to do this is through personal message. I fucking love hearing the little noise my computer makes when I have a pm. I take way more time to respond to these messages than the stuff on the board (usually).

3) Drink water. Exercise. Replace your addiction to nicotine with a postive substitute.

4) Clean your house, car, workplace, etc....get your shit organized. Most importantly, throw away EVERYTHING tobacco related (including old spitter and stains on your carpet). Organizing your life will reduce a lot of undue stress as well. Get your shit in gear.

5) When you are faced with a serious crave/urge, verbalize your strength. I say something like, "I will not chew tobacco today". If I still feel that urge, I say even louder, "I am stronger than my addiction" and if that doesn't work, I look in the mirror and I growl, "You may win down the road, but you will not win today. I am in control". It sounds lame, but it works wonders. One urge at a time.

6) Other than that, take what's important from this site and fuck the rest. There will be LOTS of bullshit. Some people (like me) are supported by the constant shit talking while others stay focused to the matter at hand. Never forget that we're all here for the same purpose.

If you want my number, just let me know. And if you want to post this message in August '09, that would be great. Feel free to stop by August '08 and post with the BAMFERS as well. We'd love to have you.

Keep the quit.

here piggy piggy piggy........

got a plan right here that will work.....but you gotta post roll and do it...nobody's gonna do it for you.

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: I surrender
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2009, 01:51:00 PM »
I like this....
I am early in my quit. 4th Day to be exact. Can you tell me what to expect, just some good info. How long did it take you to just forget about the dip?

Thanks and congrats on 1 Year QUIT!!!!
hope I am there next year at this time.

Thanks Matt. 10 more days til my big day.

What to expect, eh? There's a resource on this site that lays out "what to expect" with your quit. The suck, the fog, the fuck-its, etc....In my opinion, there's some truth to this as many quitter follow similar patterns, but it's not universal. Knowing what I know now, here's what I would worry about if I was in your shoes:

Staying quit tonight and staying quit tomorrow.

That's about it. Don't worry about quitting forever or even reaching the HOF. Worry about today. Don't let yourself fall into the trap of feeling like shit just because you're supposed to feel like shit. And if you're feeling good, don't worry about feeling like shit in the future. Deal with now. That's how I made it this far. In the back of my mind, I knew that I had made a major life-changing decision, but I still only worry about one crave and one urge at a time. That is the key.

Here are some things that I do when I face a strong urge. I still think about tobacco and have physical urges - I don't use the term "craving" any longer because that implies I actually "want" a dip. That's the last fucking thing I want:

1a) Post roll EVERY day.

1b) Gather phone numbers from veterans and especially people in your August '09 quit group. If you feel like you're going to cave, call someone and ask for permission.

2) Get to know the people in your quit group. The best way to do this is through personal message. I fucking love hearing the little noise my computer makes when I have a pm. I take way more time to respond to these messages than the stuff on the board (usually).

3) Drink water. Exercise. Replace your addiction to nicotine with a postive substitute.

4) Clean your house, car, workplace, etc....get your shit organized. Most importantly, throw away EVERYTHING tobacco related (including old spitter and stains on your carpet). Organizing your life will reduce a lot of undue stress as well. Get your shit in gear.

5) When you are faced with a serious crave/urge, verbalize your strength. I say something like, "I will not chew tobacco today". If I still feel that urge, I say even louder, "I am stronger than my addiction" and if that doesn't work, I look in the mirror and I growl, "You may win down the road, but you will not win today. I am in control". It sounds lame, but it works wonders. One urge at a time.

6) Other than that, take what's important from this site and fuck the rest. There will be LOTS of bullshit. Some people (like me) are supported by the constant shit talking while others stay focused to the matter at hand. Never forget that we're all here for the same purpose.

If you want my number, just let me know. And if you want to post this message in August '09, that would be great. Feel free to stop by August '08 and post with the BAMFERS as well. We'd love to have you.

Keep the quit.


Offline Ready

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Re: I surrender
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2009, 12:44:00 PM »
Welcome. just a few things to get you started on the right foot...
So here I am trying to quit
There is no "try" We are quit here. So are you. You have made the decision, now keep your word.
wish me luck
No luck involved. There is determinitaion and balls.
That's as far as I'm willing to commit to this thing.
That concerns me. This is a fight for your life. A fight you can't afford to lose. Treat it as such and you will succeed. In a fight for your life, losing is not an option. Caving is not an aption. learn the tools here and use them.

Save your life, we will help.

Your thinking I'm being a bit dramatic. I am not. You need to reach down, grab ahold and kick this addiction's ass. There is no other way. Everything else leads to failure.

You can do this.

P.S. I just noticed your intro "I surrender" Fuck that. There is no surrender. Never surrender, never give up. Stay quit.

Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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Re: I surrender
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2009, 08:53:00 AM »
Quote from: HamChop
This first 24 hours is bad. All I want to do is go get a swisher sweet or just one dip and then throw out the rest of the can. Do you know how much money I've spent with the " take one throw out the whole can method"? Hundreds of dollars. I also only buy cans one at a time because I have this delusional notion that one morning I will wake up and not want to chew anymore. Without any work I will be free from addiction. Joke. This sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks.
LOL. you are not alone. everybody has tried the one dip, throw the can out method. brings back fond memories. thanks for sharing.

hang in there.

stay close to the site. keep posting.
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: I surrender
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2009, 11:41:00 PM »
Quote from: mule21
Quote from: HamChop
This first 24 hours is bad.  All I want to do is go get a swisher sweet or just one dip and then throw out the rest of the can.  Do you know how much money I've spent with the " take one throw out the whole can method"?  Hundreds of dollars.  I also only buy cans one at a time because I have this delusional notion that one morning I will wake up and not want to chew anymore.  Without any work I will be free from addiction.  Joke.  This sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks.
doesn't it piss you off that anything could control your feelings, temperment, attitude etc.etc.etc.......

pissed is gooooood, pissed is a long as it is directed correctly..... pissed at your doomass for ever taking that first dip and landing your ass right where you are right now....never forget this feeling....a lot of guys call it the suck for obvious reasons..... pissed at copenskoalgrizzwhatever you used......they knew you'd get hooked...hell, they even take pains to make sure you get addicted.....they are literally murdering you.....very slowly.

hang in and post....ton's of quittin know-how here. get involved with your group.....

nobody involved daily with a plan has ever caved....they are quit......just like you.
Welcome HamChop!

I'm coming up on my year anniversary! I was in your shoes 350 or so days ago. What Mule says is 100% correct. Develop a solid plan. Today is all that matters. One day at a time.

August quitters are pretty much the shit. If you need anything (a phone number 'help' , advice 'Finger' , a shoulder to cry on _ , an outlet for your frustrations 'stick', or for permission to cave 'ride' ) send me a personal message.

Offline mule

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Re: I surrender
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2009, 10:29:00 PM »
Quote from: HamChop
This first 24 hours is bad. All I want to do is go get a swisher sweet or just one dip and then throw out the rest of the can. Do you know how much money I've spent with the " take one throw out the whole can method"? Hundreds of dollars. I also only buy cans one at a time because I have this delusional notion that one morning I will wake up and not want to chew anymore. Without any work I will be free from addiction. Joke. This sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks.
doesn't it piss you off that anything could control your feelings, temperment, attitude etc.etc.etc.......

pissed is gooooood, pissed is a long as it is directed correctly..... pissed at your doomass for ever taking that first dip and landing your ass right where you are right now....never forget this feeling....a lot of guys call it the suck for obvious reasons..... pissed at copenskoalgrizzwhatever you used......they knew you'd get hooked...hell, they even take pains to make sure you get addicted.....they are literally murdering you.....very slowly.

hang in and post....ton's of quittin know-how here. get involved with your group.....

nobody involved daily with a plan has ever caved....they are quit......just like you.

Offline HamChop

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Re: I surrender
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2009, 09:35:00 PM »
This first 24 hours is bad. All I want to do is go get a swisher sweet or just one dip and then throw out the rest of the can. Do you know how much money I've spent with the " take one throw out the whole can method"? Hundreds of dollars. I also only buy cans one at a time because I have this delusional notion that one morning I will wake up and not want to chew anymore. Without any work I will be free from addiction. Joke. This sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks.

Offline dmoore73

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Re: I surrender
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2009, 08:45:00 PM »
Hi This shit is killing me I havent had anything in 24 hours and from 2 cans a day to nothing this shit is hard but im not caving.Im tired of this dizzy fog in my head and my hand trimbling.But i will do this i will.
The Big day was 5-8-09 at 5:30 pm.

Offline HamChop

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Re: I surrender
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2009, 07:02:00 PM »
Yeah, sounds good to me. I got some coffee today so I can wind myself up pretty tightly. Don't know if that's recommended but that's my plan. I stared at the coffee grounds for a while cuz they resemble cope fine cut.

And while I was at the store I audibly whispered "Fuck you Crave!", just like the Loot suggested. I'm kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop though.

My story is like most others. I tried to "eat" my older brother's redman in elementary school and barfed. Later on at the age of 12 it became a cool thing to do while playing baseball. After one summer of screwing around with nicotine it was too late, I was addicted. I remember the first time that I was aware that taking a puff or a dip helped to relieve a feeling of anxiety and restlessness that was now somehow inherent in my life unless a dip was in the lip.

I didn't think much of it and actually thought that creating a need in my life that was easily satisfiable was pretty smart. It was like lowering my standards. If all I needed was a can of chew then once I bought one all was swell and that seemed like a very achievable goal at most times.

Later when girls came into the picture and then later in college it became not so cool to have shit stuffed in your gums. But chew was my one constant companion. No matter what "they" tried to do to me or how shitty my life was I still had that magic chemical reaction to soothe me. I always realized that tobacco just relieved withdrawal symptoms that it in fact creates. I just always wanted be addicted, as sick as that sounds.

Chewing covertly became a real pursuit for me. I took pride in fooling people. I could kick a dip out or put one in or even spit right in front of you without you even noticing. I never went more than 3 hours without a dip from 12 years of age until now at 27.

So here I am trying to quit. My one emotional crutch is gone. I love immediate gratification so much and chew hits the spot big time. I'll miss it for a few days I'm sure. But wish me luck. I'll need it in the near future. That's as far as I'm willing to commit to this thing.

Offline kodiakMatt

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Re: I surrender
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2009, 01:46:00 PM »
welcome HamChop,

I'm on Day 3 so we can do this together and QUIT!!!!!!
May 6th, 2009 11:30pm est Start of Quit!!!!!
August 14th, 2009 - 100 Days (HoF) 1st Floor!!!!!
November 22nd, 2009 - 200 Days - 2nd Floor!!!!
March 2nd, 2010 - 300 Days - 3rd Floor!!!!
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Offline HamChop

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I surrender
« on: May 09, 2009, 01:43:00 PM »
Hello All,

I'm newly quit, 4 hours if you don't count the sleep I got last night. I just wanted to say hi and let everyone know that I am making commitment to all of you. Although these pledges have never worked before I have a good feeling about this one. Now, if I can just find a sufficiently engrossing habit to replace chewing with then everything will be well. Sike! (as they used to say in the early 90's). Life on life's terms.