Author Topic: Harder than hard head  (Read 824 times)

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Re: Harder than hard head
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2017, 09:37:00 PM »
Really impressive story...impressed by your 14 months

I'm on my first (and hopefully only) "Day 1" today, and the skin is starting to crawl a bit as I approach bed time and wonder to my self if/when I'll be able to fall asleep. I've dipped Cope snuff and longcut for the past 13 years at an increasing rate recently hitting 3 cans a week.

Looking forward to Day 2+

New quitter, John

Offline RDB

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Re: Harder than hard head
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2017, 11:24:00 AM »

So you've been quit 14 months? That would put you somewhere around the Dec. '16 group. Here is a link to their group. It's not too late to join.

I've been quit 664 days, and I still post roll every single morning. It's cheap insurance that keeps me quit.

Head over there to December '16, introduce yourself, and tell your story. Then post roll. And post roll tomorrow and every day after.

What's the cost? About 20 seconds out of your morning. What's the benefit? Protecting your quit.

Just do it, man.

Offline AZMountaineer

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Harder than hard head
« on: November 15, 2017, 11:04:00 AM »
Hi All,
Let me start by saying I have lurked here in the past.
It is where I found out about SmokeyMountain at WalMart.
Let me tell you, that stuff helped.

I started dipping 35 years ago with Kodiak when it was new.
I was on again off again, and then picked up smoking a couple of year later.
By the time I was in my mid 20s, I was chewing leaf, dipping, and smoking; yes, all at the same time.

I list the taste for leaf in about 94. I just stopped. But, and this is the kicker, I was still dipping, and smoking.
At my peak, I was smoking 2 or more packs a day, and 2 cans a day.

In 97 I met a US Tobacco rep, he gave me lots of freebies, and introduced me to Copenhagen Long cut. That became my poison of choice for the next 19 years. In 99 I quit smoking, I just decided I didn't like it anymore and stopped.

My wife quit smoking about 8 years ago; she had a medical emergency that scared her off of it. It was not that easy for me.
I kept dipping, and started trying to "limit" myself. What I found was that if I was "only" going to dip at certain times/places, then I was like a glutton on it. I would dip in the car on the way to work, at work, and then on the way home. Call it 10 hours, I could knock out 2 cans in that 10 hours.

Finally, I had enough, I realized I needed to quit, because I needed to quit.
It sucked, hard. For the first three days my skin crawled. I had lost 80 pounds the year prior, and I promptly started putting it back on. (Regained 40 pounds that I am now fighting with.) I tried candy (dumb choice), and then I saw the alternatives on this site. The only thing I could find locally was smokeymountain at walmart. It is not perfect, but it fooled my lip.

Here I am, 14 months later, the cravings are as strong as ever, and I have stopped the fake stuff.

I am AZMountaineer, and I am a Dip Addict.
