Author Topic: Intro - Day 2  (Read 1336 times)

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Re: Intro - Day 2
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2017, 09:59:00 AM »
Quote from: redrock
Day 17 and I haven't slept through the night since I quit and averaging around 4-5 hours per night. On a positive note, I feel like a have a lot more energy now, which is not what I was expecting at all! I did also have a big win this past weekend...

Myself and a couple others fellas headed out to our hunting lease this past weekend for a "work weekend" which is more or less just a couple of friends goofing off. I tinkered with my side by side, cleaned up camp, rode around the property, had more than a few cold ones, and I didn't dip. I was also pleasently surprised that my friends didn't offer me a dip, not once, and it really didn't bother me all that much when they throwing in a big wad right next to me.

Im proud of myself for still being here and for not letting that nic bitch control me any longer. ODAAT!
Congrats, Redrock!!! That is huge. This Nic is out of your system and the head games have begun...triggers everywhere...reminders around every activity. I've been quit for years and getting out hunting gear, football tailgate gear and road trips STILL tempt me.

It doesn't matter how long you dipped. It doesn't matter how long you've been quit. The Nic Bitch is out there waiting to pounce. Post roll, stay strong, and live free brother!

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Re: Intro - Day 2
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2017, 10:42:00 PM »
Day 17 and I haven't slept through the night since I quit and averaging around 4-5 hours per night. On a positive note, I feel like a have a lot more energy now, which is not what I was expecting at all! I did also have a big win this past weekend...

Myself and a couple others fellas headed out to our hunting lease this past weekend for a "work weekend" which is more or less just a couple of friends goofing off. I tinkered with my side by side, cleaned up camp, rode around the property, had more than a few cold ones, and I didn't dip. I was also pleasently surprised that my friends didn't offer me a dip, not once, and it really didn't bother me all that much when they throwing in a big wad right next to me.

Im proud of myself for still being here and for not letting that nic bitch control me any longer. ODAAT!

Offline redrock

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Re: Intro - Day 2
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2017, 09:32:00 PM »
Thanks everyone for the feedback, PMs, and texts. Having a group people holding me accountable is huge and didn't realize the importance until I stumbled into KTC a few days ago.

Today was a particularly shitty day, I'm deep in the fog and feel like I'm mentally
handicapped--the simplest tasks have become challenging. Also feel a bit queasy, not really nauseous or upset stomach just a bit off. One thing I am finding a bit odd is that my mood seems to be way more stable?!? Before I felt like I be up and down all day and would snap a the drop of a hat and use nic as a crutch to calm back down. I don't know maybe it's just the fog--did anyone else feel like this early on?

Day 4 soon to be 5, I'll be here for roll tomorrow morning, will you?

Note: In regards to feeling mentally handicapped it took me 30+ minutes to write this so enjoy the shit out of it!

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Re: Intro - Day 2
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2017, 09:41:00 PM »
Quote from: redrock
I've been telling myself I'm going to quit ever since my little girl was born almost three years ago though I never could actually commit. On April 29th, I was enjoying my bedtime dip and for whatever reason, asked myself "why in the fuck am I doing this?". That was my last dip, so here I am on day two, miserable as shit, in a terrible fog, 4 cups of coffee into my day, scouring the Internet for quitting tips and stumble into KTC. Going to trust the vets here and know that it will get better and all this misery is worth it. Been dipping about 1 can / day for the last 21 years.
I am stoked to see that you posted roll!! Do that everyday!! early!. It's as easy as 1 2 3. Promise every day and early, stating that you won't use for the next 24 hours, its that easy!!! Don't look at it as quitting long term cause that will make it seem impossible. Promise for the next 24 hours, wake up and do it again!! This site was made for the fact that we all walk in each others shoes but we do it in our own way. So remember, that we know what you are going through, so we are here to support you brother!!
FLOOR.. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..12...13..14..15..16..17..18..19

It is very simple! We quit for today! We wake up! Do it again tomorrow!! One day at a time!
We walk in each others quit shoes, it may be a little different but ultimately the same exact thing

"Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers."

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Re: Intro - Day 2
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2017, 05:01:00 PM »
Glad you made the decision redrock. Make it a priority to get the digits of your fellow quitters and post your promise early everyday. Getting those digits and texting my fellow quitters each day was the single most important part of my is right there with posting your promise on roll IMHO. I will pm you my digits if you ever need to reach out...quit on!

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Re: Intro - Day 2
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2017, 03:12:00 PM »
The misery is definitely worth it. But I would say the misery isn't the hardest part, the long-term commitment is.

When I was going through the misery/fog/suck, whatever you want to call it, I was going on will power alone. I had psyched myself up to quit. I was fully committed. Out of the gate, nothing could stop me, and I was fully expecting it to suck.

It's when I got comfortable again that my daily promise really mattered. That's not to say that your daily promise isn't critical right now - it is. Building relationships with members in your quit group, reading everything you can from all corners of this site are among the most important things you can do to keep your mind occupied right now. But quitting is a long-term commitment. The one thing, actually the only thing all of us here have in common is that we are (are!) addicted to nicotine. We will be addicted for the rest of our lives, and will never be cured.

And your daily promise matters most when you are just cruising along, and everything is well in the world, and out of no where a crave comes up and sucker punches you right in the gut. For me it was around day 130, again around day 200, and again around 350. On those occasions, the only thing that kept me quit was the promise I had made that morning.

It sounds crazy that a promise made into the great void of the internet to people you have never met makes a difference. But is does. I don't want to let my brothers in quit down. Ever.

We make the promise every day, so it's never very far from our minds. We make the promise early in the day, before we leave the house, so that using nicotine is off the table. We collect digits from our brothers so that, in the case of an emergency, we can reach out for the support, or kick in the ass (they're pretty much the same thing) we need to keep us quit. When we collect someone else's digits, we also commit to being available to them when they reach out for help.

Drink the Kool-Aid. Jump in with both feet, and trust the system. It's been working for me for 426 days. It's been working for others for +3,000.

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Re: Intro - Day 2
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2017, 02:26:00 PM »
welcome redrock!! keep fighting the good fight. It is tough, but it is worth it.
Stay quit and convince yourself that tobacco is not an option. No matter what
you are feeling, thinking or craving, tobacco is not an option.

It does get better!
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

Offline Samrs

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Re: Intro - Day 2
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2017, 02:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Samrs
Quote from: redrock
I've been telling myself I'm going to quit ever since my little girl was born almost three years ago though I never could actually commit. On April 29th, I was enjoying my bedtime dip and for whatever reason, asked myself "why in the fuck am I doing this?". That was my last dip, so here I am on day two, miserable as shit, in a terrible fog, 4 cups of coffee into my day, scouring the Internet for quitting tips and stumble into KTC. Going to trust the vets here and know that it will get better and all this misery is worth it. Been dipping about 1 can / day for the last 21 years.
Red - first step is to get over to the August quit group and post roll.

If you found the site and signed up without having any idea what you were getting yourself into (which is exactly how I ended up here), then I recommend you read Here's How You Quit... Ball Is In Your Court Now to get an idea of what quit groups are, what posting roll means, and how things work here.
I'm too slow - I see you already posted there! Great start!
"We have so much experience here in lying to ourselves and others, that it takes a strong voice to snap ourselves out of it... Be thankful that all these people are willing to be invested in you saving your life." -- drstober
"You're playing a game of chicken with a dead plant in a plastic can. If you cave you lost to a dead plant." -- Candoit
"The answer isn't more numbers. The answer is build relationships." -- Broccoli-saurus
"ok. now groop hug." -- 'drome
"The rule is WUPP (Wake Up Piss Post) regardless of time or zone, unless you are in the Phantom Zone.  In that case, hit up Jor-El and he can get you on roll." -- S412
My Intro - The Weight of Days - Mall Walking - Workin' it off in the Excercise Group

Offline Samrs

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Re: Intro - Day 2
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2017, 02:13:00 PM »
Quote from: redrock
I've been telling myself I'm going to quit ever since my little girl was born almost three years ago though I never could actually commit. On April 29th, I was enjoying my bedtime dip and for whatever reason, asked myself "why in the fuck am I doing this?". That was my last dip, so here I am on day two, miserable as shit, in a terrible fog, 4 cups of coffee into my day, scouring the Internet for quitting tips and stumble into KTC. Going to trust the vets here and know that it will get better and all this misery is worth it. Been dipping about 1 can / day for the last 21 years.
Red - first step is to get over to the August quit group and post roll.

If you found the site and signed up without having any idea what you were getting yourself into (which is exactly how I ended up here), then I recommend you read Here's How You Quit... Ball Is In Your Court Now to get an idea of what quit groups are, what posting roll means, and how things work here.
"We have so much experience here in lying to ourselves and others, that it takes a strong voice to snap ourselves out of it... Be thankful that all these people are willing to be invested in you saving your life." -- drstober
"You're playing a game of chicken with a dead plant in a plastic can. If you cave you lost to a dead plant." -- Candoit
"The answer isn't more numbers. The answer is build relationships." -- Broccoli-saurus
"ok. now groop hug." -- 'drome
"The rule is WUPP (Wake Up Piss Post) regardless of time or zone, unless you are in the Phantom Zone.  In that case, hit up Jor-El and he can get you on roll." -- S412
My Intro - The Weight of Days - Mall Walking - Workin' it off in the Excercise Group

Offline redrock

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Intro - Day 2
« on: May 01, 2017, 01:54:00 PM »
I've been telling myself I'm going to quit ever since my little girl was born almost three years ago though I never could actually commit. On April 29th, I was enjoying my bedtime dip and for whatever reason, asked myself "why in the fuck am I doing this?". That was my last dip, so here I am on day two, miserable as shit, in a terrible fog, 4 cups of coffee into my day, scouring the Internet for quitting tips and stumble into KTC. Going to trust the vets here and know that it will get better and all this misery is worth it. Been dipping about 1 can / day for the last 21 years.