Author Topic: help!!!  (Read 860 times)

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Re: help!!!
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2011, 05:56:00 PM »
You've received some good avice in here Sammy. Unfortunately I must be the bearer of bad news....

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4) The QSX Forums are for quitters age 18 and above.

It is for your protection as well as the adult members. I hope that you seek help through other resources.

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Re: help!!!
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2011, 05:46:00 PM »

Look dude. I know you donÂ’t want to hear it but what them guys are telling you is the truth. The problem is that you donÂ’t want to hear it right now. Another problem is that they are not psychologist and donÂ’t remember what itÂ’s liked to be a 16 year old man. As far as other ways of quitting besides going cold turkey there are a few. You should probably go see your school counselor about them. I am not a doctor and just starting a program like that without seeing one is ill advised. As far as quitting cold turkeyÂ…I believe that it is the only way to do it. But I am biased and feel that sooner or later you are going to have to get the nicotine out of your system. Why prolong the agony with reduced levels each day and still be hurting. Get the hurt over (and it will hurt) but it will be gone and out of your system in 3 days. After thatÂ…everything is mind power. You might think you need a dip but physically it wonÂ’t be required.

You got called an addictÂ…you know what? are. I am too and the both of us will always be. Just like Uncle Bob whoÂ’s addicted to alcohol; or cousin Sally addicted to meth; ours is no different and in most cases ours is the tougher to beat.

You are 16 years old. You have your whole life ahead of you. It is not going to get any easier to quit at 17. In fact it will be harder. And it will be harder at 18 if your face hasnÂ’t fell off yet.

I am 45 years old. I started dipping at the age of 12. You can’t use the excuse of your age with me or just about any other quitter in this place and be expected to have a little sympathy. We have all been where you are at right now. The only difference between us now is that we have the luxury of being able to have hindsight. These guys may sound tough but it is what is known as “Tough Love.” Have you ever heard of that? You wanna know a secret…deep down; these guys and gals hearts are breaking wide open for you. If they didn’t care…why the hell would they spend their own time for years on end for some of them daily trying to help quitters cope. It not fair for you to say they have provided no encouragement. Don’t do that dude!

In the endÂ…there is nothing anybody on here can do to make you quit. My brother called this morning to tell me he had caved. He was going on his third day. Said he had too much in his life going on right now to quit. CouldnÂ’t deal with it he said. You wanna know the real reason he quit. It wasnÂ’t because of the excuses he gave me; it was because he wasnÂ’t accountable; wasnÂ’t dedicated; was weak; didnÂ’t have a base of support other than me. He took too long to sign up here and didnÂ’t get too. If he had I think he would still be quit. If I had called him earlier this morning he might still be quit. But in the endÂ…it was his decision. There is nothing I could have done to stop him. If I had taken it away and beat his ass he would have crawled to the store after I left to get another if he wanted. It was his decision.

Sammy; I caved once after a 1 year quit. That was back at the beginning of 2003. I was just going to have 1 dip. That dip lasted all the way up until a week ago 10:00 tonight.
This is my second time doing this. You know what? It is harder this time than last time. You need to quit now! You need to get your head straight and just do it. Grow up; use your adult head not your teenage head. And quit. What is a safe alternative? Just about anything right now that does not have tobacco in it is fair game. Sure gum has sugar; if youÂ’re worried about that get sugar free. Lots of people do sunflower seeds; hard candy; herbal chew; licorice; jerky; and the list goes on. Whatever helps you to fill the void left by the missing dip.

Last word; I know this has been longÂ…Get right young man! Make up your mind to quit and just do it. There ainÂ’t gonna be nobody to hold your hand; there ainÂ’t gonna be nobody to throw it away for you. ButÂ…there will be people here to try to help you get through the hard parts. IÂ’d love to see you in the May 2011 class (thatÂ’s the one I am in). I am worried about you.

Jump in dude. Put your chest protector on and grow some thick skin. You think these guys are hard on you? You are being much harder on yourself by putting that shit in your mouth. I also think some of these vets around here have gotten like old doctors. They are awful squeamish to place their hearts on the line after having had it stomped on so much. Are you gonna be one of these guys? Or are you gonna be smartÂ…Jump in dude!

HereÂ’s howÂ…take the shit out of your mouth. Go back to the home page and read what roll call is and what it stands for. ThenÂ…click on over to the May 2011 class and post roll. That is itÂ…ThatÂ’s all there is to it. That and keep the shit out of your mouth and post roll everyday.

Allright?Â…now then; quit whining about needing support; like you need somebody to stick their finger in your mouth to remove the shit for youÂ…and take it out. Is that so hard?

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Re: help!!!
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2011, 05:39:00 PM »
go look at the pictures of cancer and having parts of your jaw cut off. that's what you have to look forward to.

do whatever you have to do to quit, one day at a time. get gum, hooch, fake stuff, seeds, whatever. it ain't gonna work if YOU don't want to do it, though.
HOF Date: 4/4/2011

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Re: help!!!
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2011, 05:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: Sammyt94
Im not blaming anyone but myself and my parents...
its not there fault i know that.
i now know that i have to the my "buyers" not to buy it for me any more.
And your right i am acting like a pussy.
And i didn't just start when i was 16 i still am 16.
I do want to know how to cope without chew.
And is gum a good alternative?
What i don't need is people telling me that i need to man up i would like to here some encouragement.
So will u please tell some other ways to quit besides just cold turkey.
I know its going to be hard.
I feel as if i need to know im not alone.
Thank you. :lol:
Here's what you want to hear: "Sammy, I understand what you're going through. It's impossible to quit without some sort of gum or lozenge. You've got it especially tough because you can't just walk into the grocery store and buy something to help you quit. Your buyers would laugh at you if you asked them to buy you nicorette. I can't believe your parents aren't more supportive of you. It's no wonder you are where you are. I'm here for you Sammy. You can do this. I'll hold your hand...."

Here's the truth:

man up.

cold turkey.

you are alone. none of us here use tobacco or nicotine. it's up to you to join us. Actually, this quit site is for people 18 or over, so maybe you should just move along....

it's not that we don't support the underage quit, we just don't support the underage tendencies towards helplessness, entitlement and victimization.

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: help!!!
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2011, 05:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Sammyt94
Im not blaming anyone but myself and my parents...
its not there fault i know that.
i now know that i have to the my "buyers" not to buy it for me any more.
And your right i am acting like a pussy.
And i didn't just start when i was 16 i still am 16.
I do want to know how to cope without chew.
And is gum a good alternative?
What i don't need is people telling me that i need to man up i would like to here some encouragement.
So will u please tell some other ways to quit besides just cold turkey.
I know its going to be hard.
I feel as if i need to know im not alone.
Thank you. :lol:
Here's what you want to hear: "Sammy, I understand what you're going through. It's impossible to quit without some sort of gum or lozenge. You've got it especially tough because you can't just walk into the grocery store and buy something to help you quit. Your buyers would laugh at you if you asked them to buy you nicorette. I can't believe your parents aren't more supportive of you. It's no wonder you are where you are. I'm here for you Sammy. You can do this. I'll hold your hand...."

Here's the truth:

man up.

cold turkey.

you are alone. none of us here use tobacco or nicotine. it's up to you to join us. Actually, this quit site is for people 18 or over, so maybe you should just move along....

it's not that we don't support the underage quit, we just don't support the underage tendencies towards helplessness, entitlement and victimization.

Offline Sammyt94

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Re: help!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2011, 04:27:00 PM »
Im not blaming anyone but myself and my parents...
its not there fault i know that.
i now know that i have to the my "buyers" not to buy it for me any more.
And your right i am acting like a pussy.
And i didn't just start when i was 16 i still am 16.
I do want to know how to cope without chew.
And is gum a good alternative?
What i don't need is people telling me that i need to man up i would like to here some encouragement.
So will u please tell some other ways to quit besides just cold turkey.
I know its going to be hard.
I feel as if i need to know im not alone.
Thank you. :lol:

Offline Bean

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Re: help!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2011, 10:40:00 PM »
Age is an excuse. You buy snuff like you're 18, you need to act like you're 18. If you want to grow up and quit, you can do it. We're here to support you...nobody asked your age before you got on here. Your decision.

Blaming your decisions on your folks is bullshit. I was 16 when I started dipping and I knew it was dangerous...and that was in the 80's. Bullshit if you didn't know when you were 16. Hopefully, you quit and post-roll. We'll see...

Offline Smokeyg

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Re: help!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2011, 06:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Sammyt94
Im 16, ya i know its underage, but i need help. I chew of course, and i want to quit. You see i started because i go to a career center called KCTC(kent county technical center) and i go here for residential   construction and on the bus ribe to there OVER HALF of the guys chew, so i got drawn into it. Not to mention that all but 5 people in a class at KCTC chew at the jobsite. So i curious and that hurt me bad. Now im addicted, and when i told my parents they were disapointed with me. But they didn't tell me to quit, right now i wish they would have. But they went soft because they both smoked. Mom smoked for 14 years on and off, and Dad smoked in college only and has a cigar once a year after deer hunting. So they understood. Now im in a perdiciment and cant get out i chew about an average of a can a week(monday - friday). But lately ive been chewing a can every 2 days. I want to quit, but enjoy chewing. So even as im typing this ive got a dip in. Ive tried cutting cold turkey, and i was a mess for about 2 weeks and then i found myself chewing again i cant stop. As long ive got it a chew it. I dont work so every cent i have goes to chew, i need help. My friends give me shit for chewing, and they make me feel like shit with all of the comments. I have no support and being underage doesnt help either.  Please help me, need to talk to someone who understands what im going through, and can help me get over this addiction. I just need someone to talk to mainly. So please will anyone help. I need HELP!!!
As long as you've got it, you chew it?
-Don't get it.

50% of the guys at KCTC chew at the jobsite?
-0% of guys at KTC chew at the jobsite.

Friends give you shit for chewing?
-Who cares? You chew for you.

You can't get out of this perdiciment?
-Bullshit. It's your choice. No one's holding a fucking gun to your head.

You want someone to help you get over this addiction?
-Sorry laddie, but you've done fucked up. You're an addict. You always will be. Best you can do is manage this addiction.

Will anyone help?
-Not til you take that chew out and quit acting like a little pussy. You're parents went soft and never told you to quit? It's their fault for their poor example? The guys at your school chew? It's their fault for getting you started? You enjoy chewing? It's Wintergreen's fault for being so delicious?

This is your fault. You need to handle it like a man.

Offline Sammyt94

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« on: January 29, 2011, 05:37:00 PM »
Im 16, ya i know its underage, but i need help. I chew of course, and i want to quit. You see i started because i go to a career center called KCTC(kent county technical center) and i go here for residential construction and on the bus ribe to there OVER HALF of the guys chew, so i got drawn into it. Not to mention that all but 5 people in a class at KCTC chew at the jobsite. So i curious and that hurt me bad. Now im addicted, and when i told my parents they were disapointed with me. But they didn't tell me to quit, right now i wish they would have. But they went soft because they both smoked. Mom smoked for 14 years on and off, and Dad smoked in college only and has a cigar once a year after deer hunting. So they understood. Now im in a perdiciment and cant get out i chew about an average of a can a week(monday - friday). But lately ive been chewing a can every 2 days. I want to quit, but enjoy chewing. So even as im typing this ive got a dip in. Ive tried cutting cold turkey, and i was a mess for about 2 weeks and then i found myself chewing again i cant stop. As long ive got it a chew it. I dont work so every cent i have goes to chew, i need help. My friends give me shit for chewing, and they make me feel like shit with all of the comments. I have no support and being underage doesnt help either. Please help me, need to talk to someone who understands what im going through, and can help me get over this addiction. I just need someone to talk to mainly. So please will anyone help. I need HELP!!!