Thanks for the input so far guys, keeps me motivated. Yall are right all those things are nothing but excuses so this morning i went out and threw away all the dip i had, so now i dont have any here to tempt me.
You're doing well, itstime. The hardest part of the physical discomfort will be over soon.
The site doesn't give medical advice, but there's a lot of experience here to help you along. Here are a few things I was told that brought me through the physical trials: drink plenty of water. Eat frequently but keep your portion sizes small and healthy. You'll probably feel sleepy earlier in the night, but you won't sleep soundly at first: seek help if sleeplessness persists. Don't make excuses for being a jerk to your family or friends - we understand asshats here: do your literal shouting alone in your car or something, vent your rage on us, not them.
Don't let your mind tell you that you're feeling bad because you're quitting. You feel bad because you poisoned yourself for four years, and now you're healing. Your circulation and digestion are returning to normal. Your brain is getting more oxygen. Lots of good things are happening - but it doesn't feel pleasant to get better. Tell yourself that you enjoy feeling crappy: "Embrace the suck". This is what it feels like to become stronger.
Hang on. Stay accountable. It gets a lot better.