Author Topic: New Quit  (Read 832 times)

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Offline DizzyG

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Re: New Quit
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2018, 04:14:00 PM »
Hi, I was addicted to smoking for 12 years. I started dipping to quite smoking.... what a mistake that was. I have been dipping for close to 4 years and now I am an addict to that. I am a semi-closet dipper. All my friends and co-workers know I dip, yet I have been able to keep it pretty much a secret from my wife. She has only found a can twice, and I told her it was from camping and hunting with the guys. I hate lying to her, but I would hate even more how much I would hurt her if she knew how much or often i dipped. I was doing a can or half a can a day of pouches. I never allowed myself to buy the snuff or long cut. The pouches still seem impossible for me to shake. I have tried quitting and failed more times than i can count. Buying one can to just get one dip and then throwing it away.... then doing that again 3 hrs later. So pathetic. I came across this forum last year, but never joined. Not because I wasn't serious about wanting to quit, but because I felt like i did not need it. I feel like I am at a disadvantage, since my wife is not there to support my quit..... because she doesnt know i am an addict. When i quit before, i always got angry easily around her and i could never explain why. Could never explain the pains of headaches or feeling of unbearable cravings. I like reading other people's descriptions on here, because i can relate to them. I will post on the roll call but doing in in secret will mean not everyday.

Offline RDB

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Re: New Quit
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2018, 09:23:00 AM »
Welcome. Nice job posting roll.

My best advice is to keep it up posting roll early in the morning, before you leave the house. No days off, for anything. How many days did you take off dipping? I didn't take any off, so I don't take any off posting roll either.

There's lots of stuff to read here. HoF speeches, Intro threads, Quit Group threads. You'll learn a lot about quitting, it's effects, and how to stay quit reading those. Whenever you get a chance, read stuff here.

You're on three days - that's great. For most people, the nicotine has flushed out of their system after about three days. After the physical withdrawals, it's mental. Again, read, read, read as much as your schedule will allow.

Proud to quit with you.

Offline kybo

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Re: New Quit
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2018, 08:04:00 AM »
Welcome. Nice job posting roll this morning. It took me a week to get roll call right.

If you have tried to quit before, then you have a pretty good idea what to expect. Keep posting roll every day and take it one day at a time. One hour at a time if it helps you. Exercise worked wonders for me along with massive amounts of water. After about a week and a half I finally broke down and tried some of the fake chew. The fake stuff was good enough to kill my early craves and probably saved me a couple times. I still carry a can of Smokey Mountain in my truck for emergencies, but I haven't touched it in weeks.

There is plenty of experience and good advice on this site if you look for it. I am still pretty much a newbie myself with today only being my 97th day quit after chewing for 35 years. If I can do this, so can you. Good luck, and I hope to see you posting roll again tomorrow.
"No regrets, that's my motto. That and everybody Wang Chung tonight."
"That's what's great about the outdoors, you know. It's one giant toilet."
"i thought I could stay at the party forever, it don't work that way, cause that shit will kill ya" -- Stevie Ray Vaughan

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Offline Big Red 77

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Re: New Quit
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2018, 03:39:00 AM »
Welcome to KTC

Glad that you are quitting, it will only better yourself. It will be hard but you got this.

My best advice to you, invest in your quit.

I have seen many newbies think they are good by posting their promise for a few days and then eventually fade off... Take the time to scope out the website and see what it has to offer. Also, get to know your fellow quitters, it is the best part of the program.

Reach out to me and anyone else for anything!


Offline MJ5_Oh

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New Quit
« on: April 13, 2018, 03:13:00 AM »
Hey, everyone. I'm a newbie around here. I figured this is the place to start before going to the month forums. I've chewed for the last 7+ years and failed at quitting in the past. I've recently quit with some extra help from my fiance (36 days until the wedding) and am on day 3 as of 4/13/18. My HOF day will be 7/19/18. I have to say will, not would.

I've struggled with quitting in the past. It's been tough. I'm just sick of waking up and hacking crap out of my throat if I dipped before bed, being worried about my health, or trying to hide it from people. I just want to be free from this burden. Not to mention, it gets costly.

I'm in this for the long haul. I've already started getting headaches, but I just need to push through it. I'm sure you are all thinking "yeah, we know", but holy cow does getting gas suck now. It's like a force trying to pull me into the gas station to get a tin.

I look forward to the support and community here. I hope I can take something away from you veteran quitters out there.

Thanks, guys.
