Author Topic: Lets do it  (Read 1394 times)

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Re: Lets do it
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2018, 12:01:00 PM »
Quote from: Big
Hey everyone,

For those who do not know me, I am Big Red.

This past weekend I returned from a month long study abroad trip to Brazil. Although some were later than others, I still got my roll posted in my home group. Before I left the states, I had the mindset that dip was pretty much out of my mind and I am ahead of this addiction. Seems innocent enough right? I have been keeping up with the site, posting roll, keeping my connections strong, but then I went to Brazil. I did not have the access where I was staying that I did back home to be as involved as I was beforehand. During the 3-4 week mark, I started getting massive cravings, intense dip dreams to the point where I woke up feeling guilty, and thoughts in my head that 1 dip won't hurt. This all happened because I was away from KTC for to long. KTC works, buy into the program, give back, and stay quit. New guys listen up, I am sitting here at 471 days quit and I am still in the same boat as you. My number may be bigger than yours, but the addiction level is still the same; we're in this together. The most valuable tools that I learned was during that first 100 days, never forget the tools you learned and those that have helped you thus far!

Quit on!

Big Red - 471 quit with you all
Well said! That kind of mindset will help you beat that bitch Odaat! Keep on keeping on
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline Big Red 77

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Re: Lets do it
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2018, 12:18:00 PM »
Hey everyone,

For those who do not know me, I am Big Red.

This past weekend I returned from a month long study abroad trip to Brazil. Although some were later than others, I still got my roll posted in my home group. Before I left the states, I had the mindset that dip was pretty much out of my mind and I am ahead of this addiction. Seems innocent enough right? I have been keeping up with the site, posting roll, keeping my connections strong, but then I went to Brazil. I did not have the access where I was staying that I did back home to be as involved as I was beforehand. During the 3-4 week mark, I started getting massive cravings, intense dip dreams to the point where I woke up feeling guilty, and thoughts in my head that 1 dip won't hurt. This all happened because I was away from KTC for to long. KTC works, buy into the program, give back, and stay quit. New guys listen up, I am sitting here at 471 days quit and I am still in the same boat as you. My number may be bigger than yours, but the addiction level is still the same; we're in this together. The most valuable tools that I learned was during that first 100 days, never forget the tools you learned and those that have helped you thus far!

Quit on!

Big Red - 471 quit with you all

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Re: Lets do it
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2017, 10:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Big
Hey everyone,

I told some of you this story, and I was told to share it on my introduction so here it goes.

11 days ago on day 44 of my quit I gave a final term presentation and the topic was the dangers of nicotine. I had a group of kids who literally knew nothing about any of the health risks; besides your simple it can cause cancer. To be completely honest, I have learned more about all of the dangers of nicotine since I joined KTC and I thought it would be a perfect topic to do since I am fresh on my quit. So I am giving credit to everyone I talk to on KTC that has helped me thus far.

For this project I was in charge of the introduction and my group all wanted me to give a monologue about my experience with nicotine. I thought it was going to be a cakewalk, but instead I found myself having a hard time putting it together. All of my friends and some family knew I dipped but I didn't go around telling people I barely knew about my addiction. So to keep this short, I went up there and just talked with the entire class and explained how I have been dipping for 6 years. As I was speaking I noticed out of the corner of my eye this kid kept shaking his head and making weird facial expressions (I just ignored it and kept on speaking). I finally got to the part of the speech where I informed the class I got gum surgery over Spring Break and I have to get more surgeries done; at this point I noticed the entire class was fully engaged and in shock (nobody pays attention usually, so it was cool to see)..I finished my monologue with "and now I conclude this monologue to tell you all I am now on day 44 of my quit". The class went crazy with applause. I was not expecting that and the teacher just sat there with a smile on his face, it was nice.

Now that's not the cool part. I gave that speech on a Monday, and all week I had people from other classes come up to me saying I heard you gave a great speech about your nicotine use, nice job man (I got this from multiple people). Friday comes and the kid who made the weird faces in the audience and kept shaking his head came up to me. He looked at me and said "you had the crowd going on Monday, but it felt like you were talking out to me; that speech was for me" I asked him what he meant, and he said He has been dipping for 8 years now, wants to quit but hasn't brought himself to it. I told him the steps to take but when he's ready.

I share with all of you because I mentioned that I didn't want anyone to go through what I have been through and maybe that speech actually woke this kid up. If I didn't share my experience then who knows if he would ever stop or not.

P.S. I got an A on the presentation 'oh yeah'

Big Red 77- Day 55
Awesome stuff Big Red! Thanks for sharing! That had to be a huge boost to your quit. I know that reading about it was a huge boost to mine. :)

Offline Big Red 77

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Re: Lets do it
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2017, 04:49:00 PM »
Hey everyone,

I told some of you this story, and I was told to share it on my introduction so here it goes.

11 days ago on day 44 of my quit I gave a final term presentation and the topic was the dangers of nicotine. I had a group of kids who literally knew nothing about any of the health risks; besides your simple it can cause cancer. To be completely honest, I have learned more about all of the dangers of nicotine since I joined KTC and I thought it would be a perfect topic to do since I am fresh on my quit. So I am giving credit to everyone I talk to on KTC that has helped me thus far.

For this project I was in charge of the introduction and my group all wanted me to give a monologue about my experience with nicotine. I thought it was going to be a cakewalk, but instead I found myself having a hard time putting it together. All of my friends and some family knew I dipped but I didn't go around telling people I barely knew about my addiction. So to keep this short, I went up there and just talked with the entire class and explained how I have been dipping for 6 years. As I was speaking I noticed out of the corner of my eye this kid kept shaking his head and making weird facial expressions (I just ignored it and kept on speaking). I finally got to the part of the speech where I informed the class I got gum surgery over Spring Break and I have to get more surgeries done; at this point I noticed the entire class was fully engaged and in shock (nobody pays attention usually, so it was cool to see)..I finished my monologue with "and now I conclude this monologue to tell you all I am now on day 44 of my quit". The class went crazy with applause. I was not expecting that and the teacher just sat there with a smile on his face, it was nice.

Now that's not the cool part. I gave that speech on a Monday, and all week I had people from other classes come up to me saying I heard you gave a great speech about your nicotine use, nice job man (I got this from multiple people). Friday comes and the kid who made the weird faces in the audience and kept shaking his head came up to me. He looked at me and said "you had the crowd going on Monday, but it felt like you were talking out to me; that speech was for me" I asked him what he meant, and he said He has been dipping for 8 years now, wants to quit but hasn't brought himself to it. I told him the steps to take but when he's ready.

I share with all of you because I mentioned that I didn't want anyone to go through what I have been through and maybe that speech actually woke this kid up. If I didn't share my experience then who knows if he would ever stop or not.

P.S. I got an A on the presentation 'oh yeah'

Big Red 77- Day 55

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Re: Lets do it
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2017, 12:05:00 AM »
Welcome Big Red. I too am in the same position, I'm in college as well plus I work full time as a firefighter. I'm 20. I quit 6 days ago because I realized that it was starting to cause me health issues. I've been going on for 4 years now and I ask my self the same thing, what am I gonna do during specific times of day when I usually have a dip especially during finals. I started in high school when I was 16 because of baseball and ever since then I've been at it. PM me if you need support. I'm looking forward to day 7 because then I can prove to myself that if I can last a week, I can last a lifetime.

Stick to it, it'll be worth it in the long run.

"Be a fucking wolf. Be a fucking lion. Take no shit. Set goals, smash them. Eat people's faces off. Be a better person. Show people who the fuck you are. Never apologize for being awesome.
Stay the motherfucking course."

Offline Big Red 77

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Re: Lets do it
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2017, 11:30:00 PM »
I PM'd you RSAW

Thanks stranger and Ready!

Offline rsaw3030

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Re: Lets do it
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2017, 12:16:00 PM »
Welcome and congrats. If you don't mind sharing, what type of gum surgery did you undergo and was the problem entirely dip related?

The reason I ask, is because when I was in college, I had my wisdom teeth taken out, and as part of that procedure they also gave me a gum graft to repair a low area where a tooth never grew in.

Stay quit bud.

Offline Stranger999

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Re: Lets do it
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2017, 10:55:00 PM »
Welcome Big Red! I'm really glad that you found us and that you are quitting.

I wish I had quit in college or even before in high school. I didn't get here until I was 49 years old. It really is insane to roll the dice as long as I did. I hope that others see this thread and quit while they are young.

I quit with you today!

Stranger999 - 562 days nicotine free

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Re: Lets do it
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2017, 01:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Big
Hey everyone,

I am twenty two years old and currently am a college student. I have been chewing everyday for the past six years and I loved every bit of it. In the last week I had a gum surgery and I now know it is time to quit.. I personally did not think that I would be quitting at this time in my life but after getting a procedure done on my gums it opened my eyes and scared me. For the six years that I have dipped I refused to look at anything that related to chewing and cancer because I told myself that would never happen to me; but now I am twenty two and have already had a procedure done on my gums.

This introduction took me well over thirty minutes to write and what I keep find going through my head as I write this is what am I going to do on long car rides, during homework, during movies/TV, and how am I going to fall asleep?

I am glad I stumbled onto this website googling how to quit because if I do not have this type of tool where I can talk to others that knows what I am going to go through, I would not be as motivated to stop what has become a part of my life.

Thanks in advance to all that help along the way,

Big Red 77
Allright Big Red,

I checked quickly to see if you found your group. I didn't see your name on the roll. That doesn't mean you didn't post because people get accidentally bumped all the time.

Here is your group, June 2017

Go over there and introduce yourself!

You can do this!

Offline Big Red 77

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Lets do it
« on: March 19, 2017, 01:42:00 AM »
Hey everyone,

I am twenty two years old and currently am a college student. I have been chewing everyday for the past six years and I loved every bit of it. In the last week I had a gum surgery and I now know it is time to quit.. I personally did not think that I would be quitting at this time in my life but after getting a procedure done on my gums it opened my eyes and scared me. For the six years that I have dipped I refused to look at anything that related to chewing and cancer because I told myself that would never happen to me; but now I am twenty two and have already had a procedure done on my gums.

This introduction took me well over thirty minutes to write and what I keep find going through my head as I write this is what am I going to do on long car rides, during homework, during movies/TV, and how am I going to fall asleep?

I am glad I stumbled onto this website googling how to quit because if I do not have this type of tool where I can talk to others that knows what I am going to go through, I would not be as motivated to stop what has become a part of my life.

Thanks in advance to all that help along the way,

Big Red 77